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"You don't need to worry about Dana." Len said looking Xioli who is just silent because of what she heard.

"Why?" Xioli asked and Len smiles

"Because my mother-in-law have an eyes for her, mommy Elle made sure that there is someone who is looking at her." Len said and Xioli just smile.

"Thank you Len." Xioli said while looking at Len.

"I'm sure she's going to be okay, when I went away, I'm also become okay, I met someone like Akio, maybe one day Dana will also meet her destiny." Len said smiling at Xioli.

Xioli look at Len she knows that Dana is going to be okay, she's strong and a good person nothing will happen to her.

"Why don't you open the box?" Len asked looking at Xioli who nods.

Xioli gets the box and open it, while looking at it she become teary.

"That Dana is really sweet." Xioli said and Len just raise an eyebrow.

Xioli saw a lots of clothes and toys. You can say that the clothes is from baby to a child like a 2-4 years old.

"She's going to go back to us when the time comes." Len said and Xioli nods tears on her eyes.

She can't believe that Dana is alone right now, she knows how Dana support her before and she can't do it right now because she wants to understand and respect Dana's wishes.

Len believes that destiny always give you something in unexpected way and time.

All you need to do is make a choice if you are going to accept it or not.



"Mommy!" Len immediately look up when she heard her youngest shouted.

"What's wrong Allan?" Len asked while hugging her son who is pouting

"Allen took my robot, mommy." Allan said while pouting

"I'm just borrowing it mommy." Allen said this time.

Len gave birth to a twin, Allen is the first born and Allan is the youngest.

"Allen, you don't take things from your siblings, you need to ask." Len explain to to Allen who is now looking down.

"But I'm just borrowing it." Allen said and Len smiles

"Did you asked you brother?" Len asked and Allen now pouted

"No." Allen answers and Len smiles again

"That's why I said that you need to ask, you can't take things without asking, baby you need to understand that okay?" Len said and Allen nods

"Allan, you also share your toys with your brother." Len said to Allan now who nods.

"Yes mommy." Allan answer

"Come here, Allen." Len said while Allen went to her.

Len hug both of them, kissing the top of their head.

"Look at my babies, what are you doing?" Len look up and saw Akio together with Bella and Azim who look curious to what is happening.

"Did you two fight again?" Azim asked

"What is the reason this time?" Bella asked.

Azim and Bella is almost 8 now while Allen and Allan is 4.

Allen and Allan pouted because of the other two said

"Nothing." Allen and Allan said in unison.

Azim and Bella just look at each other.

"Hello mommy." Azim just ignored the two and kiss his mommy

"Mom.." Bella also kiss

"Why did you fight again?" Akio asked while messing the twins hair

"They both like robot." Len teasingly said to the twin who pout again

"We bought robot for the two of you." Akio said

"But my robot needs friend." Allen said

"But you can play with your brother." Akio said

"He doesn't like to play with me." Allen said looking down. Akio look at Allan

"Because I want to play cars." Allan said

"What about we can all play?" Azim asked the twin look at him.

"Really?" Allan and Allen said in unison

"Of course." Azim answers

The twin held their elder brother, Bella also follow them even they still not changing from their uniform.

Akio put his arms on Len shoulders. Both of them watch their children playing.

Len look at Akio who look back to her, both of them smile at each other.

Len believes that she maybe failed on her first marriage, but she knows that destiny gave Akio to her to made all the pain away.

"Akio." Len called

"What is it sweetheart?" Akio asked

"I love you so much, you are my destiny." Len said before hugging Akio

"I love you too so much sweetie, you are also my destiny." Akio said before hugging Len back and kiss her forehead.

Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.





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