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Len look around the mall, she's currently holding Yuta's wrist with her both hands walking behind the man who is just silent.

Yuta already holding the popcorn and drinks while Len holding the tickets that Yuta bought online.

"Are you okay?" Yuta asked when he saw Len looking around.

"It's my first time to see so many people inside the mall, my usual mall is full of people from socialites." Len said

Yuta raise an eyebrow, he knows that this mall owned by Lim Empire, he also knows that Lim Empire's mall Zodiac also two kinds.

First the one for members only, there is a membership maybe that's the mall Len usually go.

Second the mall for normal people, the common people who is from normal family.

"You always go to the membership mall?" Yuta asked and Len nods at him.

"Yeah, it's easy.." Len said

"Then why do you want to go here?" Yuta asked and Len sigh

"Because I want something new and my family will know that I went to mall with someone if I go to my usual mall." Len said and Yuta shake his head.

He knows that Len doesn't want her family to know.

"How long do you think you can hide about our marriage?" Yuta asked

Len look at him, she doesn't want to answer that question that's why she look away.

"Let's go, everyone is getting inside now." Len said pointing at the line of people starting to get inside the movie room.

"Len.." Yuta called but Len just pull him to get in line.

Yuta just sigh and follow Len, they went inside the movie room and sit on their place.

While watching the movie, Yuta look beside him because he felt Len's head on his shoulder.

Len is wiping her tears while watching the movie.

"Are you okay?" Yuta asked worried because Len is crying

"This is so sad, I feel bad.." Len said still crying

Yuta just held her hand trying to calm her down by rubbing Len's hand using his thumb.

"It is just a movie." Yuta said and Len shake her head

"I know but it still sad." Len said, Yuta is now focus on her, Len crying until the end and she even cried more when it almost over.

Yuta just sigh from time to time, when the movie ended, everyone is crying, Yuta still focus on Len even some people are trying to leave the place.

Len tries to calm herself and when she finally calm down, Len look at Yuta who is waiting for her.

"Are you okay now?" Yuta asked Len.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." Len said, Yuta just nods

"Let's go now." Yuta said pulling Len to stand up, they are the last who came out from the room.

They are still walking hand and hand, while Len looking so amaze again because of lots of people she seeing.

"They even go with their family." Len said smiling

"I'm sure that you are also going with your family." Yuta said and Len nods.

"Yes, but we also go to the mall with few people, my parents doesn't like crowd's." Len said and Yuta nods.

"Do want something?" Yuta asked and Len look at him

"No, I'm okay, but can we have dinner here?" Len asked and Yuta immediately nods

"Of course, what do you want to eat?" Yuta asked and Len look around, she saw a lot of people inside a fast food.

"There." Len pointed at the fast food.

"Mcdonald's?" Yuta asked shock

"Yeah, I usually not eating with fast food, but there is a lot of people there, I want to try." Len said to Yuta

Yuta look at her amaze, because he rarely meet someone who is not eating fast food.

"Sure, let's go." Yuta said to Len and they started to walk towards the fast food and stand in line.

Yuta and Len not caring about their surrounding, people are actually looking at them, Yuta is too eye catching for them, Len also catching people because she look adorable even they can't see her face properly.

"Are you sure about this?" Yuta asked Len

"Of course, I want chicken nuggets, fries, oreo sundae and ice coffee vanilla." Len narrates what she wants and Yuta smiles at her.

"You can finish that all?" Yuta asked amaze

"Of course I can." Len said look proud to herself.

They are already ordering their food and Yuta finally realized that people watching them but he ignored them and just order.

"Look for table." Yuta whispered to Len

"Okay, I will." Len said like a child and she excitedly look to find a table.

"You both look good together." The cashier said to Yuta.

"Thanks." Yuta just said and the cashier smiles and put their orders on the tray.

"That's all your order sir, I'm going to ask someone to assist you." The cashier said, while ringing the bell beside her and a waiter appears he help Yuta and look around for Len.

"There." Yuta said pointing using his chin to where Len sitting, both of them walk towards to Len who is smiling while looking around.

"Enjoy your meal, ma'am, sir." The waiter said after putting the tray on the table.

"Wow.." Len look amaze at the two trays in front of her.

Yuta is placing the food in front of Len.

"Eat your food now." Yuta said to Len

"Thank you, Yu." Len said and started to eat, Yuta just watch her while smiling.

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