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"Look at your face here, I told you to smile." Len said showing their photos to Akio who is just chuckles

They are already on the restaurant waiting for their order, Len is smiling the whole time they are inside the aquarium park.

"Let's bring the children here next time, Savior." Len said putting her head on Akio's shoulder.

They are sitting side by side and holding each other's hands.

"Yes, I'm sure they are going to enjoy like their mommy." Akio tease Len who just pouted

"Don't pout my lady." Akio said after he kissed Len who immediately blushed, they doesn't mind even they are in public place.

"You are really annoying..." Len said and Akio just laugh to her.

"By the way, mom invited us to dinner this weekend." Akio said and Len nods

"Sure, I miss them." Len said immediately and Akio just pinch her cheeks.

"I love you." Akio whispered

"I love you too." Len said Akio kiss her forehead.

"Excuse me ma'am, sir." The waiter arrived with their order and Akio look at him and nods.

The waiter put their orders on the table before he bow and left.

"Let's eat, my lady, it's steak." Akio said and Len immediately nods, Akio served Len who is smiling while she's watching Akio.

"Awww, this is the reason why Auntie thinks you are my servant." Len tease Akio who playfully glared to Len.

"Because I'm your servant, my lady." Akio said and Len giggles.

They started to eat and tease each other while eating, Akio is feeding Len using his spoon and Len also doing the same.

They didn't know that they are already on the top of the news.

Former model Bai Len is finally saw in E Country again on a date with the Prime Minister's son Luo Akio.

Prime minister's Son dating the former model Bai Len, one of the heiress of Bai family.

Former model Bai Len saw in public after six years.


Len is smiling happily while they are getting inside their house.

"Mommy, Daddy." Bella shouted when she saw her parents and immediately run towards them, Azim following his sister and hug his parents too.

"Wow, you are still energetic." Akio said to them and lift them together.

"Did you enjoy? Where did you go?" Bella asked excitedly

"Awww, Bella and Azim ignored us after we accompany them the whole day? Can you believe it Ron?" Jing suddenly said the family look at her amused.

"But Auntie, you are the one who suggested to be with us the whole day." Azim said and Len laugh because of that.

"Did you have dinner?" Akio asked them

"Yes, Uncle Ron cooked for us, it's really good daddy." Bella said she even nods

"That's good to hear that you enjoy your dinner." Ron said

"Thank you for taking care of them, Jing and Ron." Len said and Jing looks at her

"Of course, if you need someone to take care of them again, we are always one call away." Jing said

"Daddy, we miss you." Bella said before putting her head on Akio's shoulder

"Looks like the energy got drained after they saw their father." Len said while looking at the three.

Bella and Azim suddenly lost their energy and now hugging their father's neck with sleepy eyes.

"Looks like it's time to go upstairs with them." Akio said and the two just nods at him.

Akio went upstairs with the children while Jing pull Len to the couch because she saw the headline earlier.

"Did you see the headline?" Jing asked excitedly

"Headline? What headline?" Len asked confused, Jing look at her but she totally understand that Len didn't check her phone.

"Here, you and Akio are on the top news, everyone is talking about how after six years you are seen in public's eyes." Jing said

They are right, six years, it's been six years after people didn't saw her again in public's eyes. The last time she seen in public is when she announce her retirement in industry with explaining why.

Maybe that's why people are still curious to her and she's also heiress Bai family who didn't even said anything after her retirement.

People also got shocked that Bai Len first time in public in E Country is with the son of their prime minister.

"I didn't know that they still know me and I'm so beautiful in that picture." Len said pointing at the pictures.

"You are really enjoying this." Jing said rolling her eyes

"Of course, I'm going to enjoy, look I'm so beautiful." Len said and Jing rolled her eyes again.

"You know what Ron? We should go home, she's crazy.." Jing said she even point at Len who just laugh at her.

"Yeah we should, it's also late." Ron said

"Ron, Jing, thank you again for today." Len said seriously now.

"No problem, we are going now." Jing said and they look at each other before they walk away.

Len just watch them before she went upstairs and take a bath.

"Oh, you are still awake." Len said after she took a bath, she went to the children's room and saw that the children and Akio are still tickling each other.

"Mommy, we are waiting for you to start the story time." Bella said

"Hurry mommy, sit here." Azim said he even pat excitedly the bed beside him.


On the other side, Lee Yuta saw the headline news. He throw his glass on the wall with tears on his eyes.

Is he too late to get back Len? He can't believe that Len already moved on.

The smiles on Len's face is the one that killing Yuta inside, because he knows that someone else are making Len happy.

"Len.." Yuta said while looking at the picture

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