Chapter 17- Agree2Disagree

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Dakota's POV
I had left my house with nowhere to go. I just knew I wanted to leave that house. My bags were packed and I was parked at a playground. My hands were on the steering wheel and I had no idea where the hell I was going to go. I tried calling Andre, Christina and Brook but they wasn't picking up so I called Alina. I knew she probably wasn't my biggest fan right now but I knew she'll invite me in her home with open arms. At least that's what I was expecting, I didn't necessarily do anything wrong so I wouldn't see why she would turn me away.

After our brief conversation on the phone she told me to make my way to her house. I was grateful because nobody else was answering their phone.  I knocked on the door and she opened the door.

Dakota: thank you for this Alina

Alina: you're my sister, I'll do anything for you

Dakota: thanks anyway, I needed you and you came through

She helped me take my bags upstairs and we were in her room just talking. We both couldn't sleep considering the night must've had been a long one for both of us.

Dakota: about the brunch, I completely understand why you acted that way. I wish you guys will make up but sometimes you just have to let things be

Alina: I should've been more mature about the situation but I don't regret anything I did. I meant everything I said to Christina. I really don't wish to make up with someone like her.

Dakota: I get it. That's the great thing about life. You can pick your friends, too bad you can't pick your parents. Lord knows I would've picked different ones.

   I just chuckled after my statement to try to make it less awkward.

Alina: are they the reason you're here?

Dakota: yeah...I resent them. I dislike them so much because they won't let me be. I'm too old for them to keep telling me what I can do and who I can do it with. I'm not getting in any trouble or doing anything illegal but they don't see it that way.

Alina: I'm sorry Dakota, I didn't know shit was like that for you

Dakota: Don't be sorry for me. It's not your fault that god decided to give me Ava and Paul as parents. When I graduate I'm getting far away from them.

Alina: just make sure you forgive them before you disappear. Sometimes we say and do things we regret. So make sure if you go, you'll be able to look back and not regret anything. Just leave with a piece of good of your parents. I know that they're not all bad.

Dakota: you're right Lina, I'm glad we're friends. I needed to hear that because honestly I didn't plan on forgiving them.

Alina: you're my girl, I got you.

Dakota: love you lots

Alina: love you lots too but we should go to sleep. It's getting super late.

Dakota: you're right, goodnight

Alina fell asleep and I just stayed up for awhile. Just looking up at the ceiling reflecting on my thoughts.
I was grateful to have a friend like Alina because she knew exactly what to say. That's what made her different from the other girls. She would always have words of encouragement and motivation. Such a powerful human being, knew when she was wrong and owned up to the things she said.
After just thinking, I decided to fall into a deep slumber. It has been a very long night and I needed some rest.

The next morning...
When I woke up, Alina wasn't in the bed anymore. I guessed she was downstairs eating breakfast. So I decided to get dressed and make my way down there.
When I came downstairs, I saw Alina and her family sitting at the table. They were laughing, smiling and joking, something that family did from time to time. I couldn't even walk in there, it just reminded me of what my family used to be.

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