Chapter 6-Confessing

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Dakota's POV
I was glad that the girls and I made up, this was good for us because honestly we've been friends way too long to throw it away. While I was leaving out the restaurant Andre had texted my phone and I already knew this meant bad news.

Dakota: what the hell does he want?
Brook: who?
Dakota: Andre stupid ass
Brook: girl you need to change your number
Alina: what could he possibly want?
Dakota: I don't know, should I text him back?
Brook: yeah, see what that nigga want
Alina: yeah Brook's got a point
Dakota: I don't know guys
Brook: girl please! Text that nigga back and see what he want, you know you want to
Alina: she know she was gon text him back without our consent in the first place
Dakota: yall can go straight to hell okay?
Brook: Of course love

They laughed and I just ignored them and stared at the text, it read "can we talk?". To be honest apart of me wanted to talk to him but then again I didn't have any words for him but I wanted clarity so why not? So that's exactly what I did, I texted him back agreeing to do so.

Brook had dropped me off home first and honestly it was still early so it was the perfect time to have a conversation, I just had to think of a really good lie first. When the lie popped up in my head I immediately texted him asking him if he could come see me. He told me that he wasn't busy so right now was a good timing for him and that he was on the way to pick me up. Once he said that I instantly got dressed and told my parents that the church committee had a emergency meeting and I had to be there or else. Of course they were all for it because they were Jesus people and I just waited for Andre outside.

A couple minutes rolled by and he finally pulled up, for a moment there I thought he was going to stand me up but I was wrong about him. I got in the car and it got awkward immediately because neither of us knew what to say to each other because last time we had a bad run in.

Andre: so what's up with ya? you been good?

Dakota: I've been awesome, what about you?

Andre: I been straight, you been on my mind lately though

Dakota: Oh really? That's funny but lets go somewhere you know how my parents are

Andre: Yeah I know, but where going?

Dakota: I don't know, the beach maybe

Andre: Alright I can do the beach

We made our way to the beach and the car ride there was quiet it was just Andre's music playing slightly low. I was quite nervous to be around him because these past few months had been hard for me because I couldn't swallow everything all at once. Being cheated on fucked with your mind because you just started to wonder like "damn! Am I enough for you? What was wrong with me that you had to go and cheat on me with someone else?" So that was my reason for being so cold to him at the party because he was deadass wrong for hurting me and I wasn't nothing but good to him. We pulled up to the beach and the stop of the car made me snap back to reality, we got out the car and Andre grabbed a blanket from the trunk and we headed over to the shore.

Dakota: Why do you have a random blanket in your car?

Andre: because man you never know what you gon get into

Dakota: meaning you use this as your cum rag, oh just great

Andre: Man it's not even all that, you be tripping

Dakota: I have good reason to do so

Andre: Dakota, I'm sorry okay? I was stupid man. I didn't know what I was doing, my head wasn't in the right place at the time

Dakota: Now you're realizing that I was good to you and that girl who you cheated on me was even worth it.

Andre: Yes bruh, I know what I did was foul but that's why I'm trying to make it right with you. Dakota I love you and I don't see myself with nobody else but you and I know I'm not perfect but I wanna be right for you

Dakota: How do I know you're for real? After all this time you finally wanna hit me up on some lets get back together shit even though you broke me and hurt me to my core. I didn't see anybody else but you and you know that! You had me thinking that it was something wrong with me like I'll never be any good for anybody! I almost got pregnant because of you, do you know how bad things would've been if I didn't take that pill? You have to think before you do Andre, I know temptation is crazy but baby I'm everything and more.

Andre: I know that, that's why I'm trying to talk to you and apologize for everything I did to you. I know I caused you pain I just didn't know how much of an impact it was on you. We young though and we make mistakes so please don't take your love away from me Dakota, I wanna make things right between us so please just let me show you different. (it's a Avant reference lol)

Dakota: I don't know, this is something I have to think about because I don't want to put myself in a position to get hurt again

Andre: No stress because even if you don't take me back, I'll always be your friend but I'm saying though if we did have a baby you wouldn't keep it?

Dakota: Andre please, you know how my parents are. If they weren't like that thought and things turned out differently then I would definitely have your kid no pun intended

Andre: I knew you loved me

Dakota: Please don't make this about but maybe I do love you

We stayed there for awhile and watched the sun go down but then after an hour my mom had texted me asking when was I coming back home and for a moment I forgot I was on Jesus people timing. So Andre dropped me off home and I made it just in time for supper . This was getting very exhausting and I knew that one day my lies will catch up to me, I just didn't know when.

Christina's POV

I was lucky to have good friends that cared about me and my wellbeing. They were the best friends I could ask for but as I was thinking about all the good they did for me I started to feel guilty about that night at the party. I know that my bitchy conscience got to me about the situation but I knew that it was wrong for doing that to Alina. I should've never fed into him anyway because that was breaking the girl code. I also didn't know how to tell her either because how do you tell your close friend that you fucked the guy their interested in? I didn't have a clue so I decided to start off easy. Anthony had been texting me for these last couple of days since that night on instagram and I've ignored him because I wasn't interested in the first place and I'm still not but I have to make this known to him because I have to do the right thing. So I decided to text him and asked if he would meet up with me so we can talk in person about everything. I wanted to be generous about it because I already fucked over my friend so now I just have to follow up on a good report. He responded to me and told me he could pull up and that was good because I didn't want to give him bad news via text message. He finally came to my house and I came outside to talk to him in his car because I didn't want to invite him in because then he'll get comfortable.

Christina: So I hit you up because I wanted to let you know that what happened at that party wasn't much to me. I was drunk and vulnerable and you were in my space so one thing led to another but I don't want you to think that we can't be cool or anything like that it's just the truth of the matter is that I can't do this Anthony.

Anthony: What you mean? I thought you was feeling me, so what you saying ?

Christina: It's not that Anthony, like I said what happened was a mistake. I don't even think we were in our right minds. I can't do this, it isn't right

Anthony: What's not right? Us fucking? be clear

Christina: Anthony! My friend likes you and I already betrayed her by fucking you once and then if I continue then that would be even double fucked up because she's my friend

Anthony: Your friend? What friend?

Christina: I already said too much, I got to go sorry

My big ass mouth done spilled the beans on my girl , Anthony didn't know which friend I was talking about but he knew it was one of my friends. I started to hate myself because what have I done? I wasn't being a good friend at all right now but now that he knew I wasn't interested I had to build the courage inside myself to tell Alina about what I did. She was the least harmless person I knew but this was hard because I knew this would crush her because she's liked him for a very long time.

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