Chapter 14-Faults

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Brook's POV
It's been about two weeks that I've been babysitting for Claudia and Jack. Not going to lie babysitting the twins started to feel less of a job. All because JJ had my attention. Him and I had grown closer to one another. I couldn't lie and say I didn't enjoy his company because I did. He was so fine and he kept my mind off of trifling ass Marc. He had crossed my mind a couple of times but since I've been hanging out with JJ Marc was a non factor.

Since we've started building this friendship, I started to like him but I couldn't because he had a girlfriend. I don't think the relationship is all that though because he always vent to me about how she's bitchy and friendly. I be wanting to yell out "I'm the one for you" but bitch I am not Taylor swift. So basically I just let my feelings grow. That wasn't the right thing to do but I wasn't about to include myself into a love triangle.

I made my way to Jack and Claudia's house to watch the twins. JJ had been on my mind and I was hoping he wasn't there when I got there. I didn't want to be his friend anymore because I couldn't stand it. I started to like him more and I wanted him to like me back.
When I arrived, the twins ran up to me. I guess they had missed me, even though I was gone for like two days. I hugged them, told their parents goodbye and went to play with them. I didn't see JJ so that was a sign that today was going to be a good day.

I played with the girls, watched movies with them and eventually they both knocked out on the couch. They barely took naps so when they did I made the best out of it. While they slept I just scrolled on Instagram and Facebook.

JJ: what's up?

I was minding my business and I heard his deep attractive voice from behind me. I was happy to hear it but then again I was aggravated because I didn't want him around me. I was in too deep though. I couldn't stop working for the twins. They loved me too much. I had applied for other jobs and they accepted me but I was still going to babysit the twins. JJ was my only problem though that's why I took another job to begin with. To distract myself and keep my mind off of him.

Brook: hey

JJ: so dry, you good?

Brook: yeah I'm fine

JJ: you sure? You know you can talk to me bout anything baby girl

Brook: don't

JJ: don't what?

Brook:don't call me that, don't you have a girlfriend?

JJ: woah woah, where all this coming from?

Brook: I like you JJ, I can't pretend no more. I don't want to keep being your friend when I know how I feel about you

JJ: what? Why you ain't tell me?

Brook: because you have a girlfriend

We were now face to face, the sexual tension was thick between us. I wanted to just kiss him in this moment but I couldn't.

JJ: bro come here

He grabbed my neck and kissed me. I didn't know what to do in that moment. A part of me wanted to pull away from him but the other part wanted to keep kissing him. So I listened to the other part, I continued to kiss him.
He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He carried me upstairs to his room. He laid me on his bed and continued to kiss me. As he hovered me while on top his chain dangled in my face but I didn't care. I was too into it to care about that. As we kissed I felt him starting to get hard. His print pressed against my vagina and next thing you know...Niagara falls.

He pulled my pants and panties off and pulled down his too. He grabbed the condom out the drawer, slipped it on and then slipped inside of me. A loud moan escaped from my mouth and he covered it with his hand.
He fucked me in missionary for about 20 minutes and then removed my shirt, then turned me around. He went ape shit while he fucked me from the back. I couldn't help but scream and moan. He had to cover my mouth again and whispered in my ear "be quiet before you wake my sisters up". He was super aggressive but I liked it. It was the right amount of everything. Enough aggressive, enough passion and just the right amount of dick.

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