Chapter 7-B.C.D

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(B.C.D= behind closed doors)
Brook's POV
Shit was awkward at that brunch that the girls and I had. I felt everybody was genuine with forgiving Christina except for Alina. The whole time we were at the table Alina stayed quiet, she didn't say much but it was weird. Her whole vibe was off and I'm no median but I know when a bitch ain't feeling it.
It wasn't a big deal though because Alina was willing to participate with everything we had planned so that was all that mattered. As I was in my head just thinking about my friends and our dysfunctional friendship my phone had went off hinting that somebody had texted me.
When I picked it up it was a unknown number and I was lost because who was this?

(***-***-****): what's up?
Brook: who this?
(***-***-****): Marc, who else?
Brook: oh, my bad! Sometimes people text the wrong number. Ya never know
Marc: yeah I feel you but anyway, wyd tonight?
Brook: I have no plans, why wassup?
Marc: lemme come scoop you and take you out somewhere
Brook: okay...where we going?
Marc: maybe skating
Brook: I cannot skate
Marc: don't matter, I'll teach you
Brook: teach me? Really? I'll pass
Marc: come on stop being scary, if you fall I'll catch you(somebody said that to me irl🥲🥰!!)
Brook: I'm not about to play with you
Marc: I'm not playing Brook I'm deadass serious I won't let nothing happen to you on the rink
Brook: fine, I'll go but if I fall you gotta buy me a rocky road ice cream waffle cone
Marc: and if you don't then you have to give me a kiss

Bitch I wanted to stop right there and then go throw up but I was going to take my friends advice and be nice.
Brook: okay bet, I'll just make sure to fall lol
Marc: Lmao, you got jokes? But alright I'll pick you up at 6
Brook: ok, ttyl

It was weird, I never thought that I'll ever be having a conversation like this with Marc because I disliked him for so long. I know I keep mentioning it but it's really unbelievable it was just crazy how the universe worked.

I got up to get dressed for this "date" or public outing, whatever you wanted to call it. I fixed my hair into two big puffs and did my mascara and threw on some lipgloss. I was cute as fuck no lie that's probably why Marc was crushing for all this. I fixed the puffs a bit more and then Marc texted me telling me he was outside.

I walked downstairs but then my grandparents stopped me by calling out my name.
Grandma Pearl: Brook we need to tell you something
Brook: Malma can it wait? My ride is outside and I don't want to be late
Grandpa Earl: it'll be quick
Brook: just tell me when I get home

Before they could say anything more, I was running out the door. I'm pretty sure whatever they had to tell me could wait.
I opened the car door and got inside and to be honest Marc was looking good as fuck. He had on these black jeans, a Vlone shirt that was red, white and black and he had on all white forces. Then on top of all that he was smelling GOOD, I was starting to think he was trying to impress me and if that was his intention then he most definitely passed because honey!

Marc: what's up? Why you staring so hard?
Brook: me? Staring at you? Boy you must be crazy
Marc: Brook it's okay to like people, we're human
Brook: yeah okay, let's get out of here
Marc: you love to change the subject with your mean ass
Brook: mean? I am not mean what so ever. I just tell the truth and if people don't like the honest truth who am I to care?
Marc: that's how you feel?
Brook: most definitely
Marc: I feel you ma

He smiled at me with those white teeth and honestly I wanted to melt in my seat. What was happening? I hated it here!
We drove to the skating rink and the car wasn't silent like last time. We were actually talking to each other about music, food, friends and school. It was a vibe and I enjoyed it, I was glad that Dakota and Alina told me to give him a shot because he wasn't all bad.

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