Chapter 19-Escape

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Dakota's POV
I've been crashing at Alina's house for some time now. I admit it started to feel as if I was intruding. So I decided to go back home even though I didn't want to. I was really appreciative for Alina though because she didn't have to let me stay here. So I started to pack up my bags.

Alina: where you going?

Dakota: back home, I thank you for letting me crash here. Thanks to you and your family because lord only knows where I would've ended up 

Alina: it's no problem but something came in the mail for you

Dakota: oh my sister, thanks Alina

Alina: no need to thank me, what are friends for?

Dakota: love you, and make sure you call me

Alina: love you lots sis and I will

I hugged her tightly and we air kissed each other. I was thankful for how great our friendship has grown. Alina and I weren't perfect but living with her made me appreciate everything around me. Plus she was the one who convinced me to forgive my parents. We even gave each other advice on everything that we were going through.

I made my way home and when I walked through the door my mom was sitting on the couch. She was smoking a cigarette, and it was odd because my mom didn't smoke.

Dakota: mom?

Ava: where'd you go Dakota?

Dakota: a friends house

Ava: is that the truth?

Dakota: yes mom and I'm sorry for lying, leaving and talking back

Ava: you know something? I quit smoking years ago. When you left it triggered me because it's like you're the only one left. Autumn left and my heart hasn't been complete since

Dakota: you disowned her mom, she wasn't going to kill her baby to be accepted. You have to stop being so judgmental because not everyone is perfect. It was a mistake and she was sorry but you didn't want to hear that

Ava: you're right, I admit I haven't been the best mom. I've been trying to raise you girls to be perfect but that's not how life works. Children make mistakes and by me keeping a strict hand on you guys didn't make it any better.

Dakota: it's okay mom, you're not perfect either and it's still room for growth. I love you mom, even though I've been a bitch

Ava: I love you too dear

She put out her cigarette and hugged me. It's been awhile since I've held my mom like this. I forgave her for everything but she wasn't well. So I was still considering leaving and getting her some help. Things will be better that way.

Dakota: where's dad?

Ava: he left, when he saw you didn't return he lost his shit. We got into this huge argument and he practically blamed me for everything. He wants a divorce Dakota... and honestly I don't know what to do

Dakota: it's going to be okay mom, we'll get you some help and when you're better everyone will be reunited and better

Ava: I hope so because I can't do this, I'm not strong enough

Dakota: mom you'll be fine, I'll make sure you get the best help

I knew it was going to hurt putting my mom in a mental rehabilitation center but it was for her own good. My mom had a lot of trauma she held on to and now with these problems occurring in our family I knew she needed some severe help. I knew it'll take more than just some therapist to help her.

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