Chapter 11-Confide

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Dakota's POV
I don't know what got into me at the hospital. I lost my mind for a split second because I thought I was going to lose my friend. I was upset at myself for not handling that well. It just opened my eyes a bit, because you never knew what people were going through. I was mad at myself for not being a better friend. Alina never reached out to me about anything but it would've helped if I checked on her. We all needed somebody to lean on even if we were going through stuff ourselves.

Speaking of going through things, it was another secret that I had buried. I didn't tell anybody or air it out because I wasn't too sure. I knew I had to tell one person though because it's his business to know so.
So I called Andre to link up with him because it was a few things I needed to get off my chest. I got out of bed, and got dressed and told my mom that I was headed to a church brunch. In reality though I was meeting up with Andre at a cafe in melrose.

He didn't know what I wanted to talk about and he kept asking me what it was but I wouldn't tell him over the phone. This news had to be brought up face to face.
When I pulled up to the cafe he was already there waiting for me. I plopped down at the table he sat at and just prepared myself.

Andre: so what you need to talk to me about?

Dakota: I just wanted to vent to you about a couple of things and it's something I need to tell you

Andre: alright, so tell me

Dakota: well, my friend is in the hospital. I don't know why I lost my mind like that Dre. I was literally in the hospital screaming and crying. I just felt like it was my fault.

I started to get emotional and eventually the tears started to fall down my face. He came over to my side and pulled me into a hug.

Andre: why you ain't call me bruh? You know I would've been there for you. Plus you guilty of a lot of things but baby I don't think it was your fault. So don't be mad at yourself, shit happens

Dakota: you don't know though, I kept a secret from her and dropped it at a sleepover we were having. I should've went about it differently but my anger got the best of me

Andre: bruh stop crying, I don't like seeing you like this. God make things happen for a reason and I'm pretty sure she gon be straight. Just be by her side and be a better friend to her.

Dakota: you're right. Thanks baby! I love you.

Andre: I love you too baby girl but what you had to tell me?

Dakota: so remember when you took me out?

Andre: yeah, what about it?

Dakota: well we had sex unprotected and it's been a whole week and my period hasn't came on yet.

Andre: what you mean?

Dakota: Dre! I mean what I say! My period was suppose to come on and it didn't. Did you cum inside of me because you had to because my period don't do this

Andre: bruh I'm not gon even cap to you mamas, I did nut inside of you

Dakota: but why Andre? You know I can't get pregnant. Especially since I'm suppose to be going off to college and my parents...they'll fucking kill me

Andre: bruh just calm down, I'll take care of the baby and you can just stay with me

Dakota: are you nuts? My parents will never let that happen

Andre: bruh, Dakota you 18 years old what the fuck can they tell you?

Dakota: I don't know Dre! I can't do this, we not ready for a baby yet

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