Chapter 21-Senior Year

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Christina's POV
Things felt awkward without my girls, especially Alina. I was the only alive girl in California. Alina was buried in the ground but here with me in spirit. I was starting school today and I didn't know how I was going to go about it. It just wasn't the same at all, this was my first time starting school without the girls. We kept in contact with each other but we were a thousand miles away from each other. I missed them everyday because I had nobody else. Jessica had quit and decided to start her own family with some guy she met. I knew that day would come but I didn't know it would be so soon. So most of the time I'm home alone, it's become lonely. I had to focus though because it was my senior year. I wasn't going to be graduating with my friends but I had to do it regardless.

I got dressed for school and headed out the door. The only thing that was on my mind was summer memories. The good, the bad and the ugly. I couldn't even think of who would be in my class or who I'll hang out with. I didn't care though, I knew I would be alone in school too. I had lost my popular card during the summer so I knew people wouldn't fuck with me during school. That was fine though because I was a whole new person now. I was no longer Christina the slut, I was Christina the loner who was starting over.

Brook's POV
Moving to New York isn't where I wanted to go but it was for the best. My parents and I were in counseling trying to better our relationship. It took a lot for me to begin the forgiving process but it eventually started.

Moving here has set me free from a lot of things. The bullshit that I had going on with Jack and Marc was finally over. I didn't even tell them I was leaving because honestly it wasn't their business. The only people who know I relocated is my friends and the families I baby sat for.

Today was my first day of school and to be honest I was excited but nervous at the same time. I didn't know what it was going to be like because it was my senior year at a new school. Can you imagine that? They were probably going to try to punk me because I was the new girl but they had another thing coming.

My mom pulled up to the school and I slowly got out the car. When I got out,  that excitement that I felt earlier became nothing but nervousness all over. I entered the school with nothing but hope for a good year. I was without my girls and it felt completely different  without them.

Dakota's POV
Leaving Andre wasn't easy but I left without telling  him that I was moving to Texas because he wouldn't return my texts or calls anyways. I was in love with him but I knew better so I just decided to move on and start fresh.

Living in Texas was good for me, I enjoyed the rest of the summer with my sister and meeting my her developed family. My mom and Paul were finalizing their divorce, and she was in a asylum trying to get better. Paul on the other hand was still living in that sad ass house in California after my mom moved out.

Come to think I felt kind of bad for my parents they fell apart, especially my mother. She had tried her very best to be in tip top shape for us. Thing's didn't work out though because Ava was too held bent on being perfect and keeping up a squeaky clean image. Something that we weren't and something that we could never be.

We are human and sometimes we make mistakes but my mom didn't know any better. I didn't know any better either because instead of trying to get her some help I cursed at her and even had arguments with her. It's nothing I can do though because the past is the past. The only thing I can do now is just be better and learn from my mistakes.

The Texas sun had been good to me during summer and I had tons of fun telling my sister about all the crazy ness back in Cali. The thing was summer was over now and I had to go to school. Was I excited? Not at all, it was because I wanted to be with my friends. I knew it wasn't going to be the same but I had to be strong for myself and for Alina. If she were here she would've told me it was for the best.

I took at least 100 deep breathes as I got dressed for school. What was I to do? How was this going to turn out? I was so anxious to know because this my first time without them.
When I finished getting dressed I made my way outside to drive myself to school. I missed Cali dearly but new beginnings right?

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