Chapter 15-FlipSide

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Alina's POV
Things were looking up for me. I was finally in a happy place. Seeing my therapist at least twice a week and spending plenty of time with Zac.
Aside from my personal life being the absolute best right now I still had my social life to work on. Brook, Dakota and I are cool but I still wasn't speaking to Christina.
Brook had reached out to me though, to get everybody together. I didn't know what this was about and I didn't know what to expect either. I knew Dakota was the peace maker but Brook really shocked me with this one.

I knew she had intentions on inviting Christina but I was going to be mature about the situation and not add fuel to a lit flame. So I agreed to meet up with the three of them just to see what the hell Brook wanted to make peace with. In my eyes peace was already made because I made up in my mind that I didn't want to be friends with Christina anymore. She was a awful friend and I didn't deserve that. I was already going through stuff personally so to be around someone with negative energy wasn't helping.

I got dressed and made my way to the outside brunch Brook was hosting. I was prepared for whatever because I knew Christina loved to throw shade. I agreed to not say anything to her and just be there because Brook asked me to.
I arrived to the brunch and they were all there. Christina didn't look her best and that really surprised me. I didn't care for her though so I just ignored my thoughts and greeted Dakota and Brook.

Brook: you're not going to speak to Christina?

Alina: Brook please, I came here for you and Dakota only. Don't try to make shit seem peachy and creamy between me and her

Brook: I know that but still, don't act as if you don't know her. We still grew up together and the only reason I called this meeting is because she needs us.

Alina: needs me how? Last time I checked she was making fun of my weight and I don't give a damn that she came to the hospital

Dakota: Alina chill

Alina: no fuck that because I been chill this whole friendship. I've never defended myself the way I was suppose to. This bitch had me feeling humiliated and she embarrassed me. I can't forgive her for that, I meant what I said at the hospital. I don't wish to be friends with her.

Christina: Alina can you just hear me out? Brook only called this meeting because something happened to me. I had no one else to call but her and she took it upon herself to call you two so we can make it right.

Dakota: what happened?

Christina: I was violated, my yoga instructor tried to rape me

Dakota: I'm sorry that happened to you, I'm glad you're good though

Alina: to be honest, I'm not your friend anymore. So I don't know why Brook took it upon herself to call me here. This sounds like a "you three" problem. That sucks that, that happened to you but I honestly don't give a fuck. After everything you did to me you don't deserve my care or love. You should've appreciated it when it was available for you.

Brook: Alina I get that you're upset but cut her some slack. We all go through shit at home and don't know how to cope with it. I'm not justifying her behavior but Christina was there for you when you was in the hospital. You guys weren't speaking then but she still showed her face, regardless of how mad you were going to be. Let's just forgive and forget guys, we've been friends for way too long to let some petty drama destroy us.

Alina: Brook shut up! We can all agree that she isn't a good friend. We've been said this, it isn't anything new. I appreciate her being there for me when I was on my ass but I can't forgive her for the shit she did. She did so much shit that a friend can't forgive her for. Fucking somebody I liked and saying slick comments about my body. That sounds more of a bully than a friend to me.

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