Chapter 5-Open minded

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Brook's POV
Since Dakota decided to pressure me into going on a date with Marc. Here I was getting ready for it I mean she did say that she'll get me anything I want and to be honest you can't beat that.
Her and Alina was at my house helping me pick out what to wear, we haven't spoke to Christina yet but we planned to tomorrow. Dakota wanted to have a Kumbaya breakfast or whatever and I guess I was down. I would do anything to get Christina to stop being such a bitch.
Brook: what about this outfit?

Dakota: be for real Brook, I know you don't like him but you don't have to dress like a boy to show it

Alina: she's right  Brook, just dress like a girl for him

Brook: girl fuck him, I'm only going because Dakota bribed me

Alina: it's no winning with her, let's just let her wear what she wants

Dakota: you right, I wasn't specific when I bribed her anyway

I laughed at them and just finished getting ready. When I got finished, he was knocking at the door.
Brook: okay, it's time for this disaster to begin

Dakota: it's not that bad Brook

Alina: exactly, give the boy a chance

Brook: blah blah, see y'all later

I hugged them and we all walked out the door.
I didn't say anything to Marc I just waited until he unlocked the doors on his car so I could hop inside.
While on the way there I was scrolling Instagram because to be honest I wanted to go home even though I just left.
Marc: why you so quiet?

Brook: let's not ruin this perfect silence okay?

Marc: damn bruh what's beef?

Brook: didn't I tell you like 100 times that I don't like you

Marc: okay I get that, but that's old Brook. It's clear that I'm trying to see what you be bout

Brook: what I be bout? No honey. You'll never know that, keep in mind that my friend convinced me to come on this date with you. This was not my idea, if she would've never covered my mouth then I wouldn't be here

Marc: Brook I'm sorry alright, now can you stop being cold to a nigga? I get it, you don't fuck with me but like just vibe

Brook: yeah whatever nigga

I rolled my eyes and went back into my phone but then out of nowhere Marc pulled over to the side of the road making me look up at him. I was nervous because I was starting to think that he was going to kick me out his car.
Marc: bruh, look at me

Brook: what Marc?

Marc: I like you okay? And I'm sorry that I used pick on you when we was in middle school, I just didn't know how else to go about it. Do you forgive me?

Brook: you what me?

Marc: Brook I like you, you heard me the first time so stop playing with me. Honestly though, I've always liked you, ever since we was in middle school and like I told you before I didn't know how to go about it

Brook: okay I understand, and sure I forgive you

I didn't know what to say to him saying he liked me, because honestly I've disliked him so much that I couldn't even focus on ever liking him. It was weird to me so that's why I just forgave him and forgot about the childish middle school shit.
He didn't say anything after that because I figured that he understood that I wouldn't like him off rip like he did me. We continued to drive to the bowling alley and I just went back in my phone because just because I forgave him doesn't mean anything. It wasn't anything to talk about anyway and I still didn't want to go.

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