Chapter 12- Surprise

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Christina's POV
I couldn't lie and say that these couple of days has been fun. They weren't, they were lonely and boring. My friends and I were spaced. It was my fault too, maybe if I was a good friend then shit would've been a lot better. I need some change in my life because I was tired of messing up everything.
I didn't want to be the bitchy Chrissy anymore, I wanted to change my act. I had to stop treating people like shit because if someone treated me the way I did my friends, I definitely would have a fit.

Since I had nothing productive to do I decided that I was going to hire a yoga instructor. Yoga was relaxing and soothing and it was a way for me to get my mind off of things. I wanted to clear my mind and think positive for now on. Things have been crashing and burning for me and the only way to clear that up was to have a clear and clean conscience.

So I went in my dads office to get on the computer and go on this website to see where I can get private house lessons.
I signed up on the website, paid for the future lessons and then logged out the computer. When I was about to leave the room something caught my eye. It was a paper sticking out of one of my fathers drawers. So of course the OCD in me kicked in and decided to open the drawer and fix it.

When I opened the drawer, I saw a paper with my name on it. So I went to reading it because why not?
Christina: adoption agreement? What the hell? Child name before adoption, Christina Watson. Child name after adoption Christina Rome. What? I'm adopted?

I couldn't believe it, how didn't I know that? It made my stomach turn a bit and then that feeling of fighting your tears back came about. I put the papers back and ran to Jessica immediately. She had to know about this because she's been here damn near my whole life.

Christina: Jessica? Did you know I was adopted?

Jessica: aww Chrissy, I knew you'll find out one day.

Christina: why'd you hide it from me? I'm a big girl, I could've handled it

Jessica: Christina it wasn't my place to do that. Your parents were supposed to let you know. I'm sorry.

Christina: THEY'RE NOT MY PARENTS! I don't care who part it was! I deserved to know about my life!

Jessica: don't get bent out of shape with me. Your PARENTS were suppose to let you know about all that. It wasn't my place like I said Chrissy. I've worked for your parents for years and yes I was aware but who am I? I'm just the maid for this resistance! They were going to tell you eventually, I'm sure of it.

I didn't say anything else, I just walked away. I didn't want to hear anymore. I don't know how they managed to keep that secret away from me. I wasn't a little girl anymore so they could've told me.
Now this had messed me up because I was thinking about my biological parents. What they were like and why did they give me up.
Things just kept getting worse and worse for me. After I closed one can of worms, another one was waiting for me.

Now I had this curiosity about my real family and I had to confront Anthony about the std. What a great day to be alive, right?
I had no idea on how I was going to confront Anthony or my so called parents. I was angry but I had to be calm and try to be understanding.
With Anthony I was also upset and full of rage and I didn't know how to tell him how he gave me a std. I thought about not telling him but if I didn't then he would burn the next bitch. My life sucked but this was karma coming after me. So I guess I just had to deal with it.

I texted Anthony, and told him I had something to tell him. He agreed to meet up with me and so we did.
We planned to met up at a cafe and I waited for him there.
Once he came, he sat down, we ordered something and started talking.

Anthony: so what's up?

Christina: so I brought you out here to tell you that I went to the doctor. It was uncomfortable for me to pee so I went. They tested me and the lab results came back positive for chlamydia.

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