Chapter 4-Chances

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Christina's POV
When I woke up my head was pounding, that was the thing about drinking when you did it in the moment it felt like nothing but the next morning you felt everything. I needed some ibuprofen expeditiously because my head was pounding like it was my heart.
When I turned over to grab my phone off the night stand I saw Anthony laying next to me. I kind of remembered how he got here but then again I don't remember piece by piece.
I decided to wake him up because he had to go, my parents were coming back home today and I knew the house was a mess. So I had to clear out the people first and then alert my maid to clean up everything, while I get myself together and look like I wasn't doing anything.

My parents didn't care about me having parties but me illegally drinking and having people passed out in their house wasn't apart of the deal. Besides they told me when they get back from their trip, we're going out for brunch. I loved spending time with them when I could because majority of the time they were gone.
Christina: Anthony wake up

Anthony: damn, what time is it?

Christina: it's 10 o'clock in the morning, you have to go

Anthony: alright, where my pants?

Christina: they over there

I helped him find the rest of his clothes and then he left. That was one down and about 5 more to go because I know damn near everybody was drinking last night and that all of them didn't go home. When I came downstairs it was somebody slumped on the stairs and I had to wake them up so they could leave. About 20 minutes later I had cleared about the house of people and just told Jessica to clean up the mess. While she was cleaning I decided to take a shower to freshen up from that long crazy ass night. While I was in the shower I thought about who I slept with, it was Alina's crush. I felt bad but then again Anthony would never look her way so it was useless to care and besides it was our little secret so as long as he didn't tell anybody then we were good.

3 hours later...
My parents had just got home and I was excited because I missed them and was ready to go to brunch with them. I had a outfit and all.
Christina: hey pa, hey mom. How y'all was y'all trip?
Pa: it was fun, aside from the business meetings
Mom: yeah, now it's time for a long slumber to catch up on that sleep we lacked. Plus we have to fly out somewhere next week
Christina: what about brunch?
Mom: maybe another day baby, just go for a swim in the pool or something. We're really tired from the plane ride
Christina: yeah you're right. Maybe another time.
I walked away and went back to my room and just put the clothes I had planned to wear back into my closet. It broke my heart that we never got time to spend with one another and that one time they plan something it gets cancelled because they're tired from working.
I closed my door silently and just cried because even though they were there for me in elementary, middle and two years of high school it felt like they wasn't really there when I needed them most. I was going through an emotional hormonal stage in my life and this is when I needed them the most. I had Jessica and I appreciated her and loved her but it wasn't the same. My parents didn't realize how important our relationship was. It was like they cared but not enough, maybe they were the blame for my bitchy behavior. I always made others feel some type of way just to keep myself from feeling down or bad. I hated that I came off bitchy but then again I couldn't help it. It just became natural, after 10th grade year I don't know what happened to me. I just became someone I wasn't and I wanted to be sorry for it but I couldn't find the apology that I was looking for.

As the thoughts crossed my mind more tears fell down my face and it just made it even worse than what it was. While I was crying my eyes out Jessica came into my room about to take my laundry but she saw that I was crying and came to see what was wrong with me.
Jessica: what's wrong Chrissy?
Christina: nothing.
Jessica: oh, don't be like that with me. You know you can talk to me
Christina: its my parents, we were suppose to go to brunch today and you know it's been damn near a year since I've hung out with them. I know I'm growing up but I still enjoy being with them. Just having one on one time means a lot to me.
Jessica: I know how you feel dear. Sorry you have to feel that way, but just be patient with them. I know they work most of the time but give it some time they'll have plenty of time to spend with you. You're loved Chrissy, don't forget that and about that brunch if you really wanna go me and you can go if that'll stop you from crying.
Christina: thanks Jessica and sure let's go to brunch
See what I mean? Most parents were suppose to do stuff like that but instead my nanny did it. The nanny I've had for half my life, I loved her like a second mom but I couldn't stress this enough, it was no love like your biological parents. That love was unconditional and it was nothing similar to it and I knew my parents loved me but I just didn't feel it.
After Jessica got finished with the laundry we headed out to brunch. I drove of course and we were just bonding like most of the time.
Jessica: Jesus Chrissy! That turn almost killed us, nowadays anybody can get a license!
Christina: my driving is not that bad
Jessica: it's not? I can't tell, by the way you be turning and pressing that gas
I laughed at her because she was being over dramatic but that was old people for you.

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