Chapter 18-Parents

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Brook's POV
Lately I've been trying to keep myself busy so I can distract myself from the fucked up reality of my life. I've been double booking myself all week and honestly it was exhausting but it kept me distracted and the money was good.

Things between JJ and I were going smoothly. He made me happy and that's what I needed right now. I barely had time for anybody not even my own friends. Plus the only time I was able to see JJ was when I baby sat Kate and Kathy. I felt pretty bad for not being around the people who cared about me but I just couldn't right now. The only thing I wanted to do was work and sleep. I didn't want to think, shit I barely wanted to breathe.

Today I was baby sitting, Marc's little sister. Mya wasn't hard to handle but when it came to her raggedy ass brother that was a different story. Marc kept trying to push up on me but I wasn't having it. After what he did to me, I wasn't going to give in. Plus JJ and I were kind of together now so I wouldn't want to sneak behind his back.

When I got to Miss Johnson's house I prepared myself for Marc stupid ass. Every time I baby sat his sister I prayed that he wasn't home. Marc was starting to become a pest to me. You know that feeling you feel after you stop liking someone and start liking someone new? I just hated everything about him.
I still couldn't believe he did me the way that he did but I had to stop dwelling on the past.

Miss Johnson: hey Brook, how are you?

Brook: I'm great and you?

Miss Johnson: tired but Mya is right in the living room playing with whiskers

Brook: okay, did she eat?

Miss Johnson: yes she had breakfast, she might be ready for lunch around 12 or 1 though

Brook: okay no problem

She walked out the door and I went to monitor Mya. The house was peaceful so I was assuming that Marc wasn't home. I was just on my phone and chilling because to be honest Mya wasn't a hard kid to watch. While I was scrolling I heard Marc coming down the stairs. I instantly rolled my eyes because EW!

Brook: ugh! Why are you home? You might as well watch your sister

Marc: nah that's what my momma paying you for. Why you mad I'm home though? Never happy to see me

Brook: I mean if I was seen at a party with another nigga you wouldn't be happy to see me either

Marc: bro that was an accident. I fucked up, now how many times you want me to apologize for
my mistake?

Brook: you don't have to keep apologizing because I don't accept it. I trusted you and you gave me your ass to kiss. Now please leave me alone, talking to you isn't in the job description

Marc: you tough Brook

Brook: you damn right asshole

I rolled my eyes and just continued to go on my phone. Mya started crying shortly afterward though, I guess she was hungry now.
So I fed her and put her down for a nap. One thing I liked about babysitting her was that she fell asleep easy and stayed asleep for an hour or so.
While she slept I decided to watch a movie. It was nothing else for me to do, babysitting was kind of boring when the kid was asleep.

Marc: what you watching?

Brook: why does that concern you?

Marc: I'm just asking a simple question Brook

Brook: Marc can you just leave me alone?

Marc: Brook I'm sorry, I slipped up. I'm not perfect and I can admit that so please just forgive me for what I did

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