Chapter 8-Secrets

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Dakota's POV
I was in my room getting ready to go out with my friends. We planned to go out to eat and just catch up and bond together. While I was tying my shoe, my dad came in my room and handed me a letter.
Dakota: where is it from?
Dad: the church committee
I just sighed and opened the letter without knowing what I was going to see. I unfolded the paper and my eyes got wide because this wasn't from the church committee, It was from my sister Autumn.

It read
"Hey little sis, it's your big sis. I just wanted to say happy birthday to you, you're getting old. In case you were wondering Jeremy, your nephew and niece and I are doing just fine. I'm currently pregnant right now waiting on her to be born. I live in Texas now and honestly it's really nice out here. I'm sorry that you have to deal with mom and dad on your own but I love you. I sent you this letter because of course I have no contact info for you. Once again, I love you lots and don't forget to write me back~ love your big sis Autumn"

Tears instantly fell down my face, and I just didn't know what to do. I missed her a lot and things weren't the same without her. When Autumn was home she used to stick up for me. When mom and dad didn't let me do certain things she was right there to back me up. Half of the time it worked and sometimes it didn't but I was always grateful. I closed the letter, and placed it in this box that I had on my desk. I was going to write her back when I got back home.

I could do it now but I didn't know what to say. I was happy for her and honestly it sucked that she was gone but it was a good thing that she didn't have to deal with our crazy ass parents anymore. I made my way downstairs, told my parents goodbye and headed over to the cafe me and the girls were meeting at.

Christina's POV
It's been a week and I still didn't confront Alina about what I did. I was still figuring out ways to break it to her but my mind was empty and couldn't think of anything. I was trying hard too because the more I thought about it the more guilty I started to feel. I wish I could've got a do over from that night but in life there's no do overs you just have to face the consequences.

While I was dealing with that, my parents had went out of town again and it was me and Jessica again. I was getting bored of this, it was starting to get old. I needed someone to entertain me when my friends weren't around.
So I decided to join a dating app, like what better way to get your mind off of your problems than a dating app?

I had been on it for about 4 days now and I already had like 2 dates. This gave me a reason to dress up and possibly hook up with some guys who didn't go to my school. Speaking of dates, I had one to go to tonight. I had to go out with the girls first then later on I was heading out with this guy named Christopher. He was older than me and I was really into that. I was so excited for tonight because this was the first time I had ever did something like this.

Alina's POV
After that park accident, things weren't going that good afterwards. I was still taking the diet pills but it was like the side effects were getting worse. I was throwing up more, the headaches were out this world, I couldn't sleep and I had gas. It was like my life was falling apart bit by bit. The weight was dropping though and at first I was proud of it but I started to look unhealthy and sick. It wasn't a good look at all, and all this stress has caused me to start slitting my wrist. I was just so depressed because it didn't matter what I did, bad shit kept happening to me.

I didn't know what I was doing wrong, I just wanted to lose weight and get boys attention. I was young and craved attention from guys my age and honestly that was normal. Everyday just felt like a challenge and the more I thought about it I just start cutting my wrist.

When I did it, it made me feel better and helped me cope with my issues. I was just going through a lot all by myself and I was screaming for help but it was like nobody noticed or cared to. I know I should probably say something to my parents but I don't think they'll understand me and I didn't want to bother them with my problems. My feelings were just so intense and it made it difficult to deal with all this.

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