Chapter 20-Missing you

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2 weeks later...
Author's POV
Alina's body was discovered by a jogger about a week ago. Momma Baraz was devastated by the news. It was so bad to the point where she wasn't herself. Who would be though? She had lost her daughter and she didn't even know why.

She was hurt for days at a time and she hadn't even told the girls about their friend. Dakota and Christina had reached out a couple of times but it was no answer. She couldn't pick her self up to answer the phone and talk to anyone because she was broken.
The time was now though because Alina's funeral was in a couple of days. So she picked up the phone and rung Dakota.

Dakota's POV
It was the crack of dawn and all of a sudden my phone started to ring. I instantly got up because it could be Alina. She was M.I.A for two weeks now and I was worried about her. When I picked up my phone, it wasn't her it was momma Baraz so I answered.

She had explained to me that Alina was no longer missing. When I asked her was she home she paused for a long time. It was like I had to squeeze the information out of her. That's when the words came out, slowly but surely. She told me Alina committed suicide. I couldn't believe it, I was stuck and I was broken.

I had dropped my phone on the floor and sat gently on my bed. Then I just started to bawl, I was extremely sad because she was getting better. How could things take a left turn like this? She seemed so happy when we talked so I didn't understand.

I whipped my tears and focused because I knew I had to tell Christina. This wasn't going to be easy but it wasn't suppose to be.
I called her and she picked up instantly. I just told her I had bad news, I didn't want to beat it around the bush.
When I told her what happened, she just hung up. I didn't bother to call back because I knew she felt awful. Christina always teased Alina so I knew she was going to feel worse than all of us.

After that phone call, I just continued to cry. I had lost one of my best friends without an explanation. You never knew what you could live with until it was gone. Alina was this bright spirit that lit up every room she walked into. The most forgiving person I had ever met aside from myself. Even when she was a bitch and deserved to be one she still apologized for it. That's just how my girl was, always quiet and swept things under the rug even when they needed to be addressed.

4 days later...
Today was Alina's funeral. I still couldn't believe what I was getting dressed for. Usually it would've been to go to a party or go see Andre but not today. I still couldn't believe she was gone, no matter how much of an reality it was. Alina was no more and I wouldn't get a chance to talk to her, laugh with her or be there for her when she needed me most. The whole time I got dressed I cried because I didn't want to say my final goodbyes to her. I wasn't ready yet but I had to be strong because she wouldn't want me to be a pussy.

Since I lost Alina, my mom and I got a bit closer. I decided to take Alina's advice more serious. Life was too short and you never knew who you could lose because I blinked and Alina was taken away.
So with that being said, my mom was coming to the funeral with me. I needed all the back support I could get because I was weak.

We left the house and made our way there. I wasn't ready to walk through those doors and see Alina off her feet. I had to though, not only for myself but for her and her family.
When we arrived I slowly got out the car and walked up to the church doors. As I walked my legs felt so heavy to move.

I sat in the front row next to Christina and Alina's family. I wanted them to know that they weren't alone.
The service started and halfway through it, Brook came creeping in. I wasn't too happy to see her because of how she acted at that luncheon Alina invited us to. That's why I didn't call her about Alina because I didn't know how she'll react and I wasn't in the mood to curse her out so I left it alone.

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