Chapter 9- Happy Birthday

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Dakota's POV
Today was my birthday and honestly I had a lot on my mind but it was my birthday. So I had to shake it off because today was my day and I didn't want to let those secrets eat at me.
I got up and got ready for breakfast, my mom always made me a birthday breakfast with my favorite foods, waffles, eggs & bacon.

I didn't tell my parents about the party that I was having at Christina's house yet but I was pretty sure that they'll be open to let me go if I sprinkled a little sugar on it.
When I walked downstairs, breakfast was already ready and my parents were sitting down at the table about to eat.

Mom: good morning Dakota and happy birthday

Dad: happy birthday sweetheart

Dakota: thank you

Mom: what's the plan today? You going out with the girls from church?

Dakota: yeah, they're actually throwing me a party. I'm going over there to help them decorate so we can spend some time together.

Dad: that's really nice, hope you have fun

Mom: will there be chaperones there?

Dakota: you know it mom

This lying was getting out of control. I wanted to hang out with who I wanted to hang out with. My mom always wanted a say so in things though and it was ridiculous. I was too old to be lying about who I was hanging out with.
After breakfast, I went back upstairs to pack the bathing suit I wanted to wear right along with some changing clothes.  Then I left the house and headed over to Christina's. I  was so excited to decorate my party because the girls and I never got a chance to do something like this.

When I got to Christina's house, Alina and Brook was already there. I was wondering if I was late or if those bitches was just early.
Dakota: hey girls, it's my fucking birthday!
Christina: I know that's right! Happy birthday Dakota
Brook: happy birthday bitch
Alina: happy birthday puta, you're getting old
Dakota: fuck y'all but thanks guys but let's get to work girls
Brook: yay!
Alina: shut up Brook

We all laughed and started to set up the party with decorations that Christina had in her garage from older parties. I knew it was my birthday but this was a ton of fun, just hanging out with my girls and waiting on this beautiful time to happen.

After about two hours, we set everything up and now it was time for us to change into our bathing suits.
I was excited because I had this super cute two piece bikini and I also invited Andre so he could see me in it.

Everybody had changed and was showing skin and looking ready for the party, everybody except Alina. She had on a long sleeve one piece swimsuit, it really shocked me because it was hot as hell outside but I didn't want to bother her about it because I knew she was already insecure about her body.

While we waited for the party to start, we took some shots and took a couple pictures to post on our social media's.
After pre-partying it was finally time for the real thing, people started ringing the door bell bit by bit and the crowd grew by the hour.
People kept coming and that was cool but I was looking for Andre. He had told me he'll be here so I was praying that he'll show up.

Author's POV 

While Dakota was waiting on Andre to show up, Alina was sitting inside the house on the conch with a red cup in her hand filled with vodka. She kept sipping it little by little as she scrolled through her phone trying to entertain herself. As she was minding her business, a dark-skinned boy who looked about 6 feet with dreads came walking over to her.

Mystery boy: this seat taken?

Alina: no

Mystery boy: say less then but why a pretty girl like you in the house on her phone?

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