Chapter 13- Differences

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Dakota's POV
Although I was afraid to get this abortion alone, I had to. If my parents were to find out about this, it would've been bad for me. I spent hours just thinking about rather I should go through with it but it's what's best. As I made my way to the clinic I couldn't believe it, I was actually doing this alone. Tears started to form in my eyes, I just bawled the whole way there. This was going to be hard but I had to go through with it.
I pulled into a parking space and got out. Just bracing myself for this moment. Once I did this, it was no going back.

I signed in, and just waited till they called my name. The whole time I was in the waiting room, I just cried. I was lonely and scared because I didn't know how this worked. So I decided to call Brook and Alina because I wanted somebody by my side.
Brook couldn't come because she was babysitting but Alina said she'll come. That was enough for me, at least I'll have somebody there by my side.
While I waited for her, I saw a family friend. I was praying that she didn't notice me but she did.

Family friend: hey Dakota, how are you?

Dakota: oh hi Mrs. Louis, I'm good. Just here for a check up

Mrs Louis: oh okay, hope everything is good with you. Tell your parents I say hello

Dakota: will do, nice seeing you

That was so close, I had to make up a lie on the spot. After all, I was really good at it. I continued to wait and finally Alina walked through the door.

Alina: hey, what's going on?

Dakota: Alina, I'm pregnant.

Alina:WHAT? By Andre? Holy shit

Dakota: yes, Alina I'm scared

Alina: just relax, everything will be okay

Dakota: I didn't know what else to do. My parents will kill me, and Andre wants me to keep it

Alina: Dakota, you have to do what's best for you. I can't tell you what to do because you have to go with your gut. If you feel like you should go through with this then do that. This isn't Andre's body.

Doctor: Dakota Sanders

I stood up and hugged Alina, she was completely correct about what she said. My body, my choice. It didn't matter if he wanted to keep the baby or not because at the end of the day. I was the one who was going to school, I had a life to live and a baby would only back track me. 

I proceeded to the back and just thought about the pain. I had no idea on how it was going to go. I was scared out of my mind, I just had to be strong.
I closed my eyes and let the doctor do the operation on me. It was very painful and I honestly just wanted to die then and there.
After the operation, I was in more tears than before and was sweating badly. I couldn't believe I actually did it.

I walked out, and Alina was sitting and waiting on me. I would never forget this moment. She was there when I needed somebody the most and I really appreciated it.

Alina: how'd it go?

Dakota: painful, I'm glad you came though

Alina: yeah no problem, I've got your back girly

Dakota: thanks, I really needed somebody to be here.

Alina: what are you going to do about Andre?

Dakota: break it to him easy, I mean he can't be that mad at me. I did what was in my best interest and if he can't accept that then he doesn't deserve me

Alina: exactly, but Ima head on home. Zac is supposed to be taking me bowling

Dakota: oh my! You guys are official official?

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