~Chapter XIII~

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Later, Vana, brooding to herself, suddenly realised that when Legolas had spoken to her, it had been the first time that he had called her by her first name, without calling her "little girl" or by her full name.

She wondered a little at it, then put it down as a one-off that wouldn't repeat.


"Have some food, Mr. Frodo." Sam encouraged.

"No, Sam." Frodo declined.

"You haven't eaten anything all day." Said Sam, his eyes anxious. "You're not sleeping neither. Don't think I haven't noticed. Mr. Frodo-"

"I'm all right." Frodo cut him off.

"But you're not." Sam insisted. "I'm here to help you. I promised Gandalf that I would."

"You can't help me Sam." Frodo said, rather sadly. "Not this time. Get some sleep."

Vana patted Sam on the back, knowing he was only trying to do what was best for Frodo.

Sam smiled at her, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.


"Minas Tirith is the safer road." Boromir said to Aragorn. "You know that. From there we can regroup. Strike out for Mordor from a place of strength."

"There is no strength in Gondor that can avail us." Aragorn replied.

"You were quick enough to trust the Elves." Boromir retorted. "Have you so little faith in your own people? Yes, there is weakness. There is frailty. But there is courage also, and honour to be found in Men. But you will not see that."

Aragorn started to turn away, but Boromir yanked him back.

"You are afraid!" He cried. "All your life, you have hidden in the shadows. Scared of who you are, of what you are."

"I will not lead the Ring within a hundred leagues of your city." Said Aragorn.

Vana looked on helplessly. Only words could help here. And they were the thing she didn't have, but wanted most.

The next morning, everyone was in the boats again, rowing down the Anduin. Aragorn tapped Frodo on the shoulder.

"Frodo." Aragorn pointed at the statues. "The Argonath! Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old. My kin."

Aragorn looked at the statues in pride. Vana wished she could look at her kin with the same pride.

She looked around at everyone, and realised that she was the only one without blood relatives. Well, blood relatives that were good. Even Frodo had had Bilbo. She smiled. Bilbo was a dear.

She and the rest of the Fellowship looked up in awe at the towering splender of the Argonath. Two majestic statues, carved out of the mountain, proudly stood on each side of the Anduin. Their left arms were held aloft, their palms facing outwards in a gesture of warning. Their faces were stern.

They slowly passed them.


The Fellowship soon reached the foot of Amon Hen, the Hill of Sight. As they reached the beach of Parth Galen, Boromir looked troubled and appeared to be fighting a conflict within him. They started to make camp.

"We cross the lake at nightfall." Aragorn said. "Hide the boats and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from the north."

"Oh, yes? It's just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil!" Gimli said, sarcasm heavy in his tones. "An impassable labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks! And after that, it gets even better!"

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