~Chapter IX~

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When Vana went to bed, she had a pounding headache.

"I have to be the only Elf who this happens to."

She tossed and turned before giving up and slipping on a dressing-gown. She walked out of her room and downstairs to Elrond's private gardens, where she would be sure to meet no one.

As she walked down the moonlit paths, she heard voices.

"Just my luck..."

She silently ran and hid in the curtain-like branches of a weeping willow.

The voices belonged to Legolas and Aragorn. They were having a heated discussion.

"She is a monster! She must not be let come with us to defeat Sauron!" That was Legolas.

"Give her a chance, Legolas. She hates him as much as you do, if not more."

"Thank you, Aragorn."

"I find it hard to believe that Sauron's bride hates him."

"She didn't ask to be his betrothed, Legolas. And anyway, even if she did, the prophecy said she would have his ring. I haven't seen her wear that."

Legolas laughed scornfully. "She will, Aragorn son of Arathorn. She will."

They walked on out of sight.

Vana went back to her room. She was soon asleep.

Vana was walking through the waste of a city. The remains of it were burning all around her. The smell of smoke was almost overpowering.

The sky went black, and a figure wreathed in fire approached her. Vana began to run. She wished for speech at that moment, like she never had before, speech so she could scream. So she could cry out for deliverance from this horrible phantom.

The fire went out around the apparition and the smoke cleared. The figure grabbed her hand. It burnt her horribly. They took off their helmet to reveal an elf-like personage. He smiled cruelly at her. Vana backed away, but he grabbed her wrist. His hand burned horribly. He pulled her her face so that it was inches from his own.

She tried to get away, but he was too strong

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She tried to get away, but he was too strong. His lips touched hers. Strangely, though it had been forced, Vana found she liked it. It felt soft and beautiful. He grasped both her hands, and she was suddenly aware of a burning sensation on the ring-finger of her left hand.

When Vana woke up, she was still aware of the burning on her finger. She looked down at it to see a ring on it. It glowed slightly, and had an orange-red coloured stone. She touched the gem, but quickly pulled her hand away from it. It was hot!

Vana tried to take it off. The ring didn't budge. She tried again, and again. It still wouldn't move.

She got out of bed and dressed. She picked a .

Be My Voice in This Present Darkness (Legolas x OC)Where stories live. Discover now