~Chapter VIII~

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Everything in italics is Vana thinking, and if it's underlined as well, she is signing.

Arwen and Vana rode on to the gates. The guards met them there, and Elrond took Frodo to the healing-rooms.

Vana went to the stables with the Nazgûl horse. The stable-hand looked askance at it. Vana motioned that it was all right. He nodded doubtfully, then took the horse's reigns from Vana.

The horse reared and tried to kick the elf. Vana grabbed the reigns from him. The horse calmed down immediately.

"I guess I'll be stabling him, then."

Vana sighed.


Later, she went to see her adopted father. He was in the healing-room, dressing Frodo's wound.

"Suilad, Vana." He said. Then, turning to look at Frodo, "I will have to operate on him tonight."

Vana nodded. She decided that it wasn't the best time to tell him about the Nazgûl horse's strange behaviour. It would only worry him more. And he didn't need that.

She went to her room, which she still used whenever she was home. She went over to the window and looked at the of Rivendell that her window commanded.

She went into her bathroom and ran a . Once it was full, she undressed and got in. She slowly scrubbed herself clean, then soaked in the water for a while.

She go out and got dressed in some fresh clothes. They draped nicely around her slim figure, all the slimmer for constant malnourishment. She didn't eat well in the wilderlands. She threw a cloak over herself, hiding her face.

She walked out of her room and into the gardens. She strolled up to the fountain  and sat on the edge, dabbling her hand in the water.

A blonde Elf walked up to the fountain. He looked in the water for a while before noticing Vana. He walked over and sat down next to her.

"And you are Vana Mirroanwë, adopted daughter of Elrond?" He asked, a dangerous smile on his face.

Vana nodded, trying to remain calm.

He smiled again, showing his perfect white teeth. Vana forced herself to refrain from grabbing one of her hidden knives, which she was never without.

"The one with the prophecy about her?" His face chilled her.

Vana nodded again.

His smile disappeared. "I see."

Suddenly, he grabbed her and forced her head backwards. He pulled her hood down and looked into her scarred face. He had a knife at her neck. He had pinned her arms behind her.

"Then stay out of my way, lhûgwen." (Snake-woman).

He smiled cruelly. Then he let go of her neck and strode off.

Vana drew in a breath. The experience had shaken her.


The following morning, Elrond called Vana to his study.

"I wish you to attend the council in half-an-hour." He said.

Vana nodded. She felt a bit surprised.

Vana changed her clothes to a simple but elegant . She pulled her blue cloak over herself.

She hurried to the where the council was being held. She was just in time. She noticed Legolas sitting with some other Elves. She made a point of sitting as far away from him as she could. He didn't recognise her.

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