~Chapter IV~

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Vana twisted herself away, but not fast enough. The knife caught her neck full force and cut across her face. Her gag ripped and she screamed for all she was worth. Then no more sound would come. The world went black.

But the scream was enough for the twins' Elvish ears. They both went back to help whoever it was. From a distance, Elrohir strained his eyes to see who it was.

"Oh Valar, it's Vana."

"Let's help her then!" Elladan spurred his horse even faster.

Once there, a few well placed stabs killed most of the orcs. Bolg got away, but there was no time to go after him. Vana was in critical condition. Her neck was bleeding profusely, and her face looked very bad. Elladan, with some of the skills of a healer, quickly examined her, paying special attention to her face and neck.

"Her face will heal, though it will probably scar, but her neck looks like it was poisoned." Elladan said worriedly. "We need to get her to Adar, fast."

Elrohir nodded. "I'll hold her. You go on ahead. Your horse is faster."

Here a problem occurred, however. The horse shied away from Vana, and, consequently, Elrohir.

Elladan disappeared into the woods. Elrohir was getting impatient. Vana's life was on the line here!

Elladan emerged, holding a handful of .

"Athelas!" he called. "It's what Adar used to placate Elena."

"Where is Elena, anyway?"

"We can look for her later, 'Ro. Vana's not going to hold out much longer. Look!"

Vana's wound was turning yellow. The poison that had been on the blade was doing it's work.

Elladan quickly pushed some athelas into Elrohir's horse's mouth. It whinnied in surprise, but ate it.

Elrohir took Vana into his arms.

Elladan mounted quickly and galloped off on his horse.


When he arrived, his Adar was showing Gandalf and some dwarves in.

Elladan was confused until he remembered that the dwarves were on some quest that needed his Adar's help.

"Pathetic." He thought.

When they had all gone, he went to him.

"Adar." Elladan was out of breath from the long ride.

"Yes, Elladan?"

Elladan recovered himself.

"Vana had a run in with some orcs. I think they've poisoned her neck."

"Poisoned? Where is she?" Elrond was very ruffled.

"Elrohir is bringing her. I can see them now." Elladan strained his Elf-eyes.

Elrohir soon arrived with Vana. She was rushed to the healer's wing immediately. That was all anyone knew for the rest of the day.

That night came the crisis. Elrond was performing a delicate operation, in which he would take out the poison. If done incorrectly he could kill Vana.

It went well. When Vana awoke the next morning, there was no trace of the poison except in the yellow colouring of her wound, which was securely bandaged up, and her eyes looked yellow too, although Elrond hoped it was temporary.

"Well, how do you feel, Vana? You had a nasty run-in with those orcs." Said Elrond. He knew what could have happened, but he was hoping against hope.

Vana opened her mouth to speak, but no words came. They couldn't come. Vana's voice was gone.

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