~Chapter XXXIV~

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Legolas drew nearer, taking quick steps. Vana stood her ground.

"How dare you come here?" he said, with so much venom that it shocked Vana. Even when she had not gotten on with him, he had never spoken to her in that way. He was so angry.

He walked right up to her. "Are you here to pledge allegiance to us again? After betraying your friends?" He made a choking sound in his throat. The next words were softer, and sadder. "And me?"

Vana didn't know what to do. "Trust me, Legolas. It was all for a purpose. Just trust me."

"Lies!" Legolas looked to his father. "You were right." He turned his back to her and walked out of the room, taking the arm of a brunette elleth in a long, dark-green gown. The make of it suggested she was of the high-class elves. She hung off of him in the way only a female making advances does. Vana ignored them as well as she could, and looked into the cold, blue eyes of Thranduil.

He stared right back, but unlike what she hoped was a neutral gaze, he was angry. "Take her away to the holding cells. I will need to confer with Elrond and Galadriel."

All eyes were on her as she was half-pulled, half-dragged towards the door.

"Wait!" This was a voice she knew all too well. It was a fatherly voice. It was a commanding voice. This person would protect her.

It was Gandalf, his white robes billowing around him like clouds over a mountain. But his face was set in determined lines, with nothing comforting in it for her. It was almost like he... no. Gandalf would understand if she explained.

"I will give my testimony at her trial," he said. "As will they." He pointed to a group that stood around the pillars, half-hidden in the shadows cast by the great lamps. The Fellowship of the Ring.

Aragorn and Gimli both stepped out of the darkness and walked over to her. Gimli was angry; it was clear from the way he walked and held himself, if not from his face, which was too covered in hair to properly make out any emotion.

Aragorn gave her a tired look. His face was worn. All he was was disappointed. Then he looked away from her, like he couldn't bear the sight of her.

Merry and Pippin were still huddling beside the pillar, holding onto each other for dear life. They were scared just looking at her. Pippin was visibly trembling, his expressive face showing his pure terror. Merry had taken on his protective role, but he was also really scared.

Vana felt terrible, looking on at the two hobbits, who had been so open with her before. Now that she had lost their trust, the parts of them she had seen, the fun part, the gentle part, the kind part, the cute part, and more like them; they were hidden away now. All she saw were the wide eyes and trembling lips of the two who had accepted her and loved her from the start.

Frodo and Sam were nowhere to be seen. Vana ignored the glare of the tall blonde in front of her and glanced around for them. They weren't there. No they had to be. They couldn't have...

Looking at the faces of the rest of the fellowship, Vana knew it was likely they had. There was a lingering sadness in each member's eyes, behind the looks they were giving her.

Frodo and Sam were gone.

Thranduil clapped his hands together. "Pay attention to what the wizard says!"

Gandalf cleared his throat, before speaking. "I move she is put to death as soon as possible."

Vana's last hope crumbled. I don't want to die!

She had a life to live. Maybe it wasn't possible any more, but she still had life itself. She still had those memories and those dreams. That tiny chance of a happy ever after. Even if that wasn't likely, she still wanted to make sure her friends got that chance.

Be My Voice in This Present Darkness (Legolas x OC)Where stories live. Discover now