~Chapter XIV~

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Aragorn was examining the tracks of the Orcs.

"Their pace has quickened." He said to Vana. "They must have caught our scent."

He rose. Turning his head he yelled to Legolas and Gimli he yelled to them. "Hurry!"

Then he started running again.

Legolas came running up, then turned to call back to Gimli.

"Come on, Gimli." He said.

"Three days and nights in pursuit." Gimli said, breathing heavily." No food, no rest, no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell."

They continued running for several more hours. Vana's thighs were on fire.

Suddenly, Aragorn stopped and knelt. He picked up Pippin's leaf-brooch from the path.

"Not idly do the leaves of Lórien fall." He observed.

"They may yet be alive." Vana signed.

"Less than a day ahead of us." Aragorn said. "Come!"

Gimli fell out from behind a boulder and rolled down a hill.

Vana inwardly facepalmed.

"Come!" Legolas turned to face the Dwarf's still-rolling person. "Gimli, we are gaining on them!

Gimli struggled to his feet.

"I am wasted on cross-county." He said, while jogging over. (Nobody could describe his waddle as running). "We Dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances."

Vana nodded absently.

The four runners struggled through a boulder-covered area, and came to a rise that over-looked the green and rocky terrain of Rohan.

"Rohan." Aragorn said, thoughtfully. "Home of the Horse-lords. There is something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures. Sets its will against us."

They continued on, making their way down the rocks.

Legolas ran ahead of them, with Vana close behind. While she certainly wasn't unfit (she had been a ranger for more that 50 years, people!!), Legolas was physically stronger then her for definite.

"Legolas! What do you Elf-eyes see?" Aragorn called.

Vana smiled. She had tried to tell (well, sign to) Aragorn on a number of occasions that Elves were fine with their eyes just being called "eyes."

Legolas looked off into the distance.

"The Uruks turned Northeast." He called. "They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!"

"Saruman..." Aragorn murmured.

They all set off again. Vana groaned inwardly. Legolas gave her a funny look.

Vana started. She hadn't moaned out loud! She dismissed the thought, though, and decided that she probably had.


The Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli were still in pursuit, with Gimli lagging behind a little. (Okay, a lot).

"Keep breathing." He said to himself. "That's the key. Breathe."

"They run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them." Legolas observed, refering to the Orcs.

Vana nodded in agreement.

"They do."

Legolas looked at her.

"Did you just speak?" He asked, pulling her to one side.

Be My Voice in This Present Darkness (Legolas x OC)Where stories live. Discover now