~Chapter XVI~

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"The veiling shadow that glowers in the east takes shape." Gandalf was saying aside to Aragorn. "Sauron will suffer no rival. From the summit of Barad-dûr, his Eye watches ceaselessly. But he is not so mighty yet that he is above fear. Doubt ever gnaws at him. The rumour has reached him. The heir of Númenor still lives."

Gandalf's voice dropped to a whisper, and Aragorn strained to hear his voice. "Sauron fears you, Aragorn. He fears what you may become. And so he'll strike hard and fast at the world of Men. He will use his puppet, Saruman, to destroy Rohan. War is coming. Rohan must defend itself, and therein lies our first challenge for Rohan is weak and ready to fall. The king's mind is enslaved, it's an old device of Saruman's. His hold over King Théoden is now very strong.

"Sauron and Saruman are tightening the noose. But for all their cunning we have one advantage. The Ring remains hidden. And that we should seek to destroy it has not yet entered their darkest dreams. And so the weapon of the enemy is moving towards Mordor in the hands of a Hobbit.

"Each day brings it closer to the fires of Mount Doom. We must trust now in Frodo. Everything depends upon speed and the secrecy of his quest. Do not regret your decision to leave him. Frodo must finish this task alone."

"He's not alone." Aragorn said, in a low voice. "Sam went with him."

Gandalf looked very pleased. "Did he? Did he indeed? Good. Yes, very good."

The four and Gandalf continued riding towards Edoras. They stopped on the crest of the hill overlooking it.

"Edoras, and the Golden Hall of Meduseld." Gandalf said. "There dwells Théoden, King of Rohan, whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over King Théoden is now very strong."

They all gazed in silence at the view for a few moments.

"Be careful what you say." Gandalf warned. "Do not look for welcome here."


A flag ripped off a pole and went flying in the wind, landing just outside the gate as the riders went through it. Aragorn hesitated as he rode through the gates, looking at the flag and then up from where it came.

They all rode slowly through Edoras. The people watched them in silence.

Vana looked ahead to Meduseld and saw a lady in a white dress.

She looked back at the townspeople.

"You'd find more cheer in a graveyard." Gimli muttered.

Vana looked back up to where the lady had been standing, but she was gone.

The guards came out of the hall as the travellers got to the top of the stairs.

Gandalf sighed. It was not a happy sigh, or a relieved sigh. It was a sigh of exasperation.

"I cannot allow you before Théoden King so armed, Gandalf Grayhame." A stout man said, facing Gandalf. "By order of Grima Wormtongue."

Gandalf nodded to the others and they all started disarming themselves and handing their weapons over to the Edoras soldiers.

Vana left the knives in her boots alone, and handed over her sword and bow.

Legolas gave her a look, made all the more eloquent due to the fact he was handing over his knives at that precise moment.

"I'm quite capable of causing a scene, you know. No knives."

Vana sighed in defeat. She took the knives out of her boots and handed them over.

The stout man, Háma, turned to Gandalf. "Your staff."

"Oh, no." Gandalf said, with an innocent look. "You would not part an old man from his walking stick?"

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