~Chapter XV~

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"A hobbit lay here, and the other." Aragorn said.

Vana nodded impatiently. She knew this already.

"They crawled. Their hands were bound. Their bonds were cut."

Aragorn picked up some ropes. "They ran over here. They were followed. The tracks lead away from the battle.." Aragorn strained to see the minute signs on the ground.

"Into Fangorn Forest." Vana signed.

Aragorn translated.

"Fangorn Forest, what madness drove them in there?" Gimli wondered.

"I don't know."

Vana realised (too late), that Legolas could still hear her.

"Maybe your bad influence?" A silky voice in her head suggested.

"Why do you always ruin everything?"

"You insult me, little girl."

"Stop it."


"Why not?"

"Because you don't deserve to be listened to."  Legolas smirked at her in a superior fashion.

"You're the only one who can hear me, besides Grandmother."

"She's not your Grandmother."

"She's my adopted Grandmother."

"That's not a blood relation."

"You're just jealous because you don't have one."  Vana threw at him.

"My Grandmother is in Valinor. Your Grandmother is unknown and therefore unimportant." 

"Just because your Grandmother was a queen?"


Vana rolled her eyes.

"Come on, you two!" Aragorn called. "Anyone would think that you could communicate telepathically!"

Vana smirked.

She noticed Legolas was doing the same.


Gimli saw black liquid on some leaves. He touched it with his hand, and then touched it to his mouth. He spat it out.

"Orc blood." He said.

Legolas shuddered.

"How do you know it's Orc blood?"

Gimli pointed to a dead orc.

"Well, I suppose that makes sense."

(A/N I linked the video which I just referenced below. Enjoy! (Or ignore)).

The four made their way on through Fangorn.

"These are strange tracks." Aragorn said.

"The air is so close in here." Gimli breathed deeply.

"This forest is old. Very old." Legolas said softly. "Full of anger, and memory."

"The anger all comes from you."

Legolas gave her a look, and Vana felt she had scored a point.

The trees groaned. Gimli picked up his axe.

Be My Voice in This Present Darkness (Legolas x OC)Where stories live. Discover now