~Chapter XXI~

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The crash left behind by the doors had an unsettling effect on Vana. She kept hearing echoes of the bang that weren't there repeat themselves in an endless cadence. She wanted to scream and cry, but something was stopping her. Maybe the fact there had been too many tears and screams here already?

She quietly followed Achasiel; the Nazgûl had left them, presumably to join the other Ringwraiths. They walked into a massive hall, with intricately carved stone all around it. Vana was awestruck at the sheer scale of it.

"We're here," Achasiel whispered. Her voice was pitched much lower than normal and Vana noticed she was shaking slightly

A throne stood at the end, at the head of a short flight of stairs. Made of black stone, it radiated evil. But not so much so as the Maiar seated upon it. He had flecks of blood on his face and clothes. Vana didn't want to know, or even imagine, why they were there.

Achasiel curtsied. Vana moved to do the same, but Sauron held out a hand. "You have no need to do that, Beautiful. For here we are equals. . ."

Vana almost gagged. The words "here we are equals. . ." were too much for her.

Sauron appeared not to notice. "I assume you took with you what you wished to keep?"

"Yes." Vana managed the one-syllable word with difficulty.

Sauron rose and descended the stairs that led to his throne. "Then I will show you to your chambers."

He held out his hand. Vana realised he expected her to take it. She gingerly did so. She felt his fingers wrap around hers. They were icy cold, with a grip of iron.

"But people always said his hands were like fire. . ."

Vana decided that this was the least of her problems right now. She followed her betrothed out of the room and down a long corridor. It was warm inn Mordor, with so many volcanoes around them.

Sauron led her up a flight of stairs and into a series of rooms. They were decorated in a black and red colour scheme, and were luxurious to the highest degree.

Vana looked around in amazement. How was this possible in Mordor? What kind of hard labour had produced this beautiful effect. Here in the Dark Lands, this suite was doubly fit for a queen.

Sauron noticed her silence. "Do you like it?"

"Oh! Yes. . . I do. . ." Vana got out eventually.

Sauron smiled at her. "You know, you're even more beautiful when you stammer."

Abruptly, he turned and walked out, shutting the door behind him, leaving Vana to her own devices.

She stared at the closed door for a while. As before, the noise caused by it produced an eerie echoing sound. It rebounded along the walls, slowly working Vana's nerves up. She had never felt more alone and afraid.

She was afraid. What about this place was more than she could handle?

How was she meant to stay here?


Legolas waited patiently for Vana to show up. But the orcs weren't going to drop dead by themselves. He figured there was a valid reason as to why she wasn't there, and she'd tell him once she was.

The orcs put up surprisingly little resistance. Legolas felt he could have dispatched them single-handedly, although Aragorn and Gimli killed them as well. He wondered again where Vana had got to.

He walked over to Gimli. "Have you seen Vana?"

Gimli scratched his beard thoughtfully. "Hmmm. . ."

Be My Voice in This Present Darkness (Legolas x OC)Where stories live. Discover now