~Chapter VII~

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When she got to the top, Vana drew her sword.

"Back, you devils!" Sam was yelling, as bravely as he could.

A Nazgûl hit Sam's sword, then threw him aside. He hit a stone, and lay on the ground in a huddle. Merry and Pippin realized that the Nazgûl were after Frodo and the Ring, and stood in front of him, trying to guard him. Two Nazgûl grabbed them and threw them in different directions. Frodo backed off, dropped his sword, and then fell backwards. He disappeared from Vana's sight.

Vana knew what was going on this time. She tuned in her elven-senses to see if she could hear the Nazgûl. She made a lunge with her sword

Frodo reappeared. "Aaaahhhh!"

"Frodo!" Sam ran over to his master.

"Oh, Sam!" Frodo was seriously wounded.

Aragorn arrived on the scene.

"Strider!" Sam called. "Help him, Strider."

Aragorn walked over hurriedly. "He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade." He said. "This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs Elvish medicine."

He looked at Vana. "I can't help. Sorry."

"But we're six days from Rivendell." Said Sam. "He'll never make it!"

Frodo muttered something incoherently. To Vana it sounded like "Gandalf..."

"Hold on, Frodo." Said Aragorn.

"Gandalf!" Anyone could hear what Frodo had said this time.

"Mr. Frodo?" Sam shook Frodo. Then, to Aragorn, "He's going cold!"

"Is he going to die?" Pippin asked unhelpfully.

"He's passing into the shadow world. He will soon become a wraith like them." Said Aragorn.

They heard a Nazgûl cry in the distance.

"They're close." Said Merry.

"Sam, do you know Athelas plant?" Asked Aragorn, ignoring Merry.

"Athelas?" Sam had obviously never heard the name.

"Kingsfoil." Aragorn supplemented.

"Kingsfoil? Ah, that's a weed." Said Sam.

"It may help to slow the poison." Said Aragorn. "Hurry!"

Sam soon pointed to a small patch of it in a corner.

"What's this? A ranger caught off guard?"


"Frodo... Im Arwen. Telin le thaed." (I am Arwen. I have come to help you). Arwen began to whisper to Frodo. "Lasto beth nin. Tolo dan na galad." (Hear my voice. Come back to the light)

"Who is she?" Merry asked.

"She's an Elf." Said Sam.

"He's fading!" Said Arwen.

Aragorn put some kingsfoil on Frodo's wound. Frodo let out a gasp.

"He's not going to last. We must get him to my father." Said Arwen, to Aragorn and Vana. "I've been looking for you for two days."

"Where are you taking him?" Merry asked.

Arwen ignored him.

"There are five wraiths behind you. Where the other four are, I do not know." She stated.

Aragorn lifted Frodo onto Arwen's horse, Asfaloth.

He spoke to Arwen and Vana. "Dartho guin perian. Rych le ad tolthathon." (Stay with the Hobbits. I will send horses again for you).

Arwen disagreed. "Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im." (I'm the faster rider. I'll take him).

"Andelu i ven." (The road is too dangerous). Aragorn insisted.

"What are they saying?" Asked Pippin, who, as usual, was ignored.

"Frodo fir. Ae athradon i hir, tur gwaith nin beriatha hon." (Frodo is dying. If I can get across the river, the power of my people will protect him). "I do not fear them." She added softly.

"Beyest lin." (As you wish).

Arwen mounted Asfaloth with Frodo seated in front of her.

"Arwen! Ride hard. Don't look back!" Called Aragorn.

"Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim!" (Ride fast Asfaloth, ride fast!)

Arwen galloped out sight.

"What are you doing?!" Asked Sam angrily. "Those wraiths are still out there!"

Vana watched Arwen gallop away with her elf-eyes. She looked at Aragorn.

"I'm going after her."

Aragorn turned to stop her, but she was too fast.

Vana was very fast, but not fast enough. She pushed harder, and harder. She whistled a whistle she had had for Elena. It was worth a shot. Sort of. Suddenly, out of the trees, came a black horse. Vana started in fear. It was a Nazgûl , without a rider.

She didn't really have a choice. The horse wasn't afraid of her.

She mounted and rode on to the Ford of Rivendell.

"Give up the halfling, she-elf!" A Nazgûl was screeching.

"If you want him, come and claim him!" Arwen called, almost tauntingly.

The Nazgûl raised their swords and started to ride into the water.

Arwen began to chant. "Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen dan in Ulair! Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer, Rimmo nin Bruinen dan in Ulair!" (Waters of the Misty Mountains listen to the great word; flow waters of Loudwater against the Ringwraiths!)

Slowly, the water level started to rise. A great noise resounded across the ford. A great flood was coming around the bend, with peaks like horses galloping. The Nazgûl tried to get away, some tried to get back to the bank and some to flee down the river, but all in vain. The flood gets them all and washes them away.

Arwen's eyes followed them, until Frodo starts to fall from Asfaloth. Arwen layed him on the ground.

"No! Frodo.. No! Frodo, don't give in! Not now!" She cried and embraced him.

"What grace is given me, let it pass to him... Let him be spared... Save him." She whispered. Vana touched her shoulder, and they both hurried to the gates.

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