~Chapter X~

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The Fellowship had arrived at the West Gate of Moria. A beautiful lake was nearby.

"The walls of Moria!" Said Gimli, in awe.

The Fellowship walked on by the side of the lake. Frodo's foot slipped into the water.

Gandalf stopped in front of the doors and made out an outline of them.

"Now, let's see. Ithildin.. It mirrors only starlight and moonlight." He said.

The Moon appeared from behind the clouds and the doors illuminated.

"It reads 'The Doors of Durin – Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter.' " Gandalf said.

"What do you suppose that means?" Pippin looked confused.

"Oh, it's quite simple." Gandalf replied. "If you are a friend, you speak the password and the doors will open."

He spoke the Elvish tongue. "Annon edhellen edro hi ammen!" (Gate of the Elves, open now for me!)

The doors remained closed.

Gandalf tried again. "Ando Eldarinwa a lasta quettanya, Fenda Casarinwa!" (Gate of Elves listen to my word, Threshold of Dwarves!)

Aragorn took hold of Veluthe's bridle as Vana petted the horse goodbye.

"The mines are no place for a horse, Vana, even one so brave as Veluthe." He comforted her.

Vana buried her face in Veluthe's neck.

"Go on, Veluthe, go on." Aragorn nudged the horse. Then, "Don't worry Vana, she knows the way home."

Legolas smirked. "Getting emotional over a horse, are we?"

Vana glared. It had no effect on the smiling face in front of her.

"And that's a pretty ring." He took her hand to see it better. "Fitting for Sauron's betrothed, isn't it?"

Vana tried to push him away.

"Ah-ah, Vana, that's not polite." He said in a sing-song voice. He smiled, and shrugged, like Vana was the one who had done everything.

Vana wrenched her hand out of his and stormed off.

She sat down by the Hobbits.

Merry threw a stone into the water. Pippin was about to as well, but Vana stopped him in time.

"Do not disturb the water!"

Aragorn interpreted.

Just then, Gandalf threw his staff on the ground.

"Oh, it's useless!" He said.

Suddenly, Frodo said, "It's a riddle. Speak friend, and enter. What's the Elvish word for friend?"

"Mellon." Replied Gandalf.

The stone doors opened slowly. Everyone turned in surprise, then they got their things together and entered Moria.

"Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves." Said Gimli. "Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone. This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin. And they call it a mine. A mine!" He snorted in disgust.

On entering, there were skeletons everywhere. The stench was overpowering. Vana looked at Aragorn. He shrugged.

"This is no mine, it's a tomb!" Boromir declared. Vana agreed in her mind.

"No! Nooo!!!" Gimli cried.

Legolas picked up an arrow from the body of a fallen dwarf, looked at it carefully and threw it away in disgust.

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