~Chapter XII~

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Vana was dimly aware that she was lying down. She focused her eyes.

"She's awake!" Pippin was sitting next to her bed.

"Wait.... What?"

Pippin, as soon as she sat up, scuttled out of the room like a scared rabbit.

"What is it with that little guy?"

Then she realised that this was the first time he had seen her when her cloak was off.

She sighed.

The door opened. It was Galadriel.

"Hello, dear." She said silently.

"Hello, Granny."

"I have something I need to tell you, about what happened last night."

"What did happen last night?"

Galadriel sighed. "Last night you were attacked by an elf. He was working for Sauron."

Vana raised an eyebrow.

"He was your brother."

Vana stared. "That isn't true.... It can't be true!"

"I'm afraid it is, dear." Galadriel said. "He disappeared before we could take him."

Vana started.


"Yes." Said Galadriel, reading Vana's mind. "He dissolved into ashes."

"I saw an elf in Moria, who did the same thing."

Galadriel stood still for a moment, looking into Vana's memories of Moria.

She nodded. "That was him."

Vana started.

"Maybe you should stay here in Lothlórien. You will be safer here."

Vana shook her head. "To leave now would be to desert the Fellowship, and we have already lost Gandalf."

Galadriel nodded in satisfaction. "Very well."

To herself, Galadriel decided not to tell Vana just yet about how the rescue had happened.


Each member of the Fellowship was given an Elven cloak.

"Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people." Celeborn said. "May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes."

Legolas was putting supplies into a boat that Merry and Pippin were sitting in. He took a piece of lembas out of a pack.

"Lembas. Elvish waybread." He said. "One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man."

Merry and Pippin nodded. Legolas walked off.

"How many did you eat?" Merry whispered to Pippin.

"Four." Pippin whispered back. He burped.


"My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim." Galdriel said, turning to the elf. "Worthy of the skill of our woodland kin."

Legolas looked at the bow in wonder.

Merry and Pippin unsheathed the daggers she had given them.

"These are the daggers of the Noldorin. They have already seen service in war." Galadriel said. "Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage."

She turned to Sam. "And for you, Samwise Gamgee, Elven rope made of hithlain."

"Thank you, my lady." Said Sam. Then, "Have you run out of those nice, shiny daggers?"

Galadriel just smiled at Sam without responding.

"And what gift would a dwarf ask of the Elves?" She said, loking at Gimli.

"Nothing. Except to look upon the lady of the Galadhrim one last time, for she is more fair than all the jewels beneath the earth." Gimli replied.

Galadriel laughed, and Gimli started to turn away, before turning around again.

"Actually, there was one thing." He continued to himself, "No, no, I couldn't. It's quite impossible. Stupid to ask..."

"I have nothing greater to give than the gift you already bear." She said to Aragorn. She touched the Evenstar around his neck. "Am meleth dîn, i ant e guil Arwen Undómiel pígatha." (For her love, I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar will diminish).

"Aníron i e broniatha, ad ae periatham athar i methid en-amar hen. Aníron i e círatha na Valannor." Aragon replied. (I would have her leave these shores and be with her people. I would have her take the ship to Valinor).

"That choice is yet before her." Galadriel said. "You have your own choice to make, Aragorn. To rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendil, or to fall into darkness with all that is left of your kin. Namárië. Nadath nâ i moe cerich. Dan, ú-'eveditham, Elessar. (Farewell. There is much you have left to do. We will not meet again, Elessar).

"Farewell, Frodo Baggins." She turned to the Hobbit in question. "I give you the light of Eärendil, our most beloved star."

Galadriel handed Frodo a crystal phial. She kissed his forehead.

"May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out."

She turned to Vana. "My dear, I give you this pendant, which will protect you from your kin."

Vana nodded

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Vana nodded.

She got into the canoe with Legolas and Gimli, there being no room n the other boats, to her regret.

Galadriel raised her hand in farewell as the Fellowship canoed down the river. They were soon out of sight.

"Well, I tried." Galadriel said to Celeborn.

"You did." He said. "I only wish you had succeeded."


"I have taken my worst wound at this parting, having looked my last upon that which is fairest." Gimli said suddenly. "Henceforth I will call nothing fair unless it be her gift to me."

"What was her gift?" Legolas asked, smirking.

"I asked her for one hair from her golden head." Gimli replied. "She gave me three."

Legolas turned to Vana. "And you, Vana, what did you get?"

Vana gestured to the necklace at her throat, then she made a point of ignoring Legolas.

The Fellowship floated along the Anduin. They had done this for some time when Aragorn pointed out something to Boromir.

"Gollum." He said, grimly. "He has tracked us since Moria. I had hoped we would lose him on the river. But he's too clever a waterman."

"And if he alerts the enemy to our whereabouts, it will make the crossing even more dangerous." Boromir replied.

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