4- A Tempting Apology

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Storming off to your room, and never wanting to look back, you decided to take a few deep breaths. Calm down y/n! You passed a few windows on the way, and you could not help but notice the comforting darkness outside. After two minutes of staring, your breathing stabilized and a bright smile formed itself on your face. You continued your way and opened the door. It looked like the door wanted to tell you something. Like he wanted you to do something. An idea struck your mind.

With a quick wave with your wand, you put a spell on it. Ha! Now you were the only one with access to it. Luckily, your warm and nice room prevented you from leaving the place that instant. You rubbed the back of your head, realizing it was a pretty eventful evening, and not necessarily for the good. You opened your closet and some drawers, which had been magically filled with your clothes. Each domain got their own personal spot.

Lingerie in the upper drawer, some skirts in the next one, accessories in the one under that one and some pants in the bottom one. The closet contained some sweaters and shirts, not to forget some bloused and jackets. Something was missing. You turned around drastically, already stressing about what you could possibly have forgotten. Noooo! Do not tell me I fucking forgot them!

Under the bed? Nothing. In the bathroom? Again, nothing. You stopped in your tracks and slapped your forehead once you saw what you were looking for. Your dear sneakers, heels and boots were perfectly laid on a little footstool. Why in hell would someone leave you th-. ''Nevermind.'' you spoke to yourself, laughing about the fact that someone used a footstool as a shoe rack. You quickly put on your pajamas, since a good night's rest was the perfect cure. Pulling your head through the hole of the velvet camisole, you jumped up, scared by a sudden sound coming from the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

Fuck! Can I please just go to sleep?! With a sad face, you made your way to the door. Who the fuck could it be around this time after what just happened. You opened the door carefully, strongly hoping for it not to be Lucius.

"It is me, Remus." You let out a huge sigh, relieved that it was someone who tried not to kill you. Actually, you quite liked Lupin. His best friend Sirius was not a baddy as well. Malfoy on the other hand, was just as cocky as Snape, which you liked, but not right now. "I am sorry Remus, but I do not feel like talking about it right now, if that is what you came for," you told him, hoping he would not be too offended. The man behind the door did not talk back any words, like he was suddenly gone. ''Goodnight Remus.'' You slowly closed the door, tears falling down your face as soon as today's horrible events came to mind.

Oh my god, I could have been killed! You let your body fall onto the ground, leaning against the door, and hoping to not be disturbed any longer. After a few seconds of sobbing, some words were spoken by the man standing behind the door. He is still here? "Step away from the door y/n," Remus instructed. You did as he told you, not knowing what he was going to do. He was not going to burst in, was he? "Why would you ask me to-"

"Alohomora!'' Remus entered as soon as he opened the door.

Well... so much for that lock. You probably needed to work on that one...

Lupin looked down and saw your tears, immediately showing his soft and protective side towards you. He took a few steps closer, holding his arms in the air for you to grab and stand up. "Y/n are you okay?" You tried not to look him in the eyes. "No I am not okay Remus, I am terrified of what just happened!" You explained him, earning a hug from the sweet man. You rested your head in his neck.

The abnormality of the situation was not spoken of. You met this men yesterday, y/n! Still, his embrace felt awesome. Denying it would be as bad as lying. "I do not know what happened to me or my eyes, but I know that I could literally kill Lucius if it were not for you!'' He chuckled lightly, and met your confused expression. ''No need to thank me, dear.''

Four men, One desire (Lucius, Severus, Sirius & Remus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now