6- Professor Killian Alexander James

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The next morning, you woke up with a huge hangover. "My head is killing me", you mumble. You got to the bathroom to take a shower. You tried to wash the hangover away but without any luck. After the shower, you pulled the towel around your body. You brushed your teeth and looked in the mirror. You stared at yourself for 3 minutes before your eyes flickered again. "What the hell is this?", you asked with a certain insecurity. You began to panic. You tried to wash it away. "Oh no, dear god please no", you said. You cried a little. What was going on and how did this happen? "What am I and what is wrong with me?", you asked yourself. 'Maybe they will go away if I calm down!', you thought. You dressed yourself. "Today, I will wear something classy", you said. You were searching through your wardrobe. You grabbed a white blouse and a pair of blue jeans. At last, you took a black jacket. You put on a pair of sneakers. 'No heals today', you thought. After you got dressed. you looked back in the mirror. You were hoping that you were not seeing the red eyes again. "Pfff, they are gone", you said with relief. You walked down the stairs and headed for the great hall.

You were a little early today. Only Minerva was present. 'Where are they?', you thought. You had forgotten that the four men you were out with last night were also drunk as hell. They were probably still in bed. 'Wimps', you said to yourself. You laughed while moving towards your seat. You were starving. Minerva was sitting next to you. "Slept well, dear?", she asked. "Most certainly, what about you?", you asked in return. "I was up late", she said. "Well, that makes two of us", you said with a smile. She looked at you and asked you a question she probably already knew the answer to. "There were loud noises last night, do you have any idea where they came from?", she asked. "I have no idea sweetheart", you said wile grinning. She smiled as well. you had an incredible evening. While you were talking about all kinds of topics, you noticed four men coming into the great hall. They were all walking like they were zombies. "Well well", you said. Sirius heard you and gave you a small smile. Lucius was surprised you were already awake. Snape was too grumpy to gave you a smile and Remus was just watching where he was going. They seated themselves. "Rough night gentlemen?", you asked them while chuckling. They did not look up but started to drink some water.

They were not saying anything. The silence was killing. A girl started to yell to her friends across the table. "Omg, my head is still killing me", you said. Minerva was laughing. "Rough night y/n?", she asked with a smile. You looked at Snape and Lucius and gave them a wink. They were too tired and still half-drunk to respond. You looked over to Sirius and Remus and raised an eyebrow while smiling. You whispered because you knew they could hear you. "They got out of bed on the wrong foot", you said. Sirius and Remus giggled. Lucius and Snape finally started to talk to each other. You looked at Snape and tried to eavesdrop. "uh darling, you have something on your mouth", he said cautiously. "Oh", you said while blushing a bit. You took a tiny mirror out of your purse and looked at your mouth. "Thanks Severus!", you said. You were putting the mirror away when you saw your eyes beginning to flicker again. "Oh no, not now please!", you whispered. Remus and Sirius were looking at you of course. "What is wrong y/n?", they asked. "Uhhh, nothing!", you said. You put your mirror away and looked down. You hoped no one had seen your eyes.

Lucius turned to you. "Y/n, we still need to figure out who tried to poison you", he asked. you hummed something which sounded like a 'yes'. He gave you a questioning look but you did not turn around. 'Are they gone?', you asked yourself. Lucius was watching you for several minutes. "Y/n, are you okay?", he asked. Snape turned around as well. "Yeah, why would I not be?", you said without raising any suspicion. He looked away. "Thanks for asking", you said. You had the courage to take out the mirror again and looked at it again. They were still there. You began to panic a bit. 'please do not do this', you thought. You tried not to show anything. Your plan worked well, until Lucius intervened. "You have been completely silent since Snape told you you had something on your mouth", he said. 'Shit no!', you thought. He turned you around slowly. "Lucius no!", you said. The rest of the people sitting at the table were now looking at you. "What is wrong y/n, spill it right now!", he said now concerned. 'What? did he not notice my eyes?'. 'They must be gone then!', you thought happily. You tried to think of an excuse. You could not think of one.

Four men, One desire (Lucius, Severus, Sirius & Remus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now