14- A Sprained Ankle

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You bent over like he told you to. "Sev-?", you said. He did not show mercy. He pushed it in. You screamed. "Ahhh!". "Silence!", he said. He moved faster. "I cannot help it!", you practically screamed. "Will you be a good girl?", he asked. "Professor, you know I will not be", you said. You know that he was going to punish you for that but you could not lie. He pushed it in harder and harder. He grabbed your neck and pulled you back a bit but he did not pull it out. "What did you say?", he asked. "Want me to repeat it?", you asked with a smirk. You loved playing with him. "I will penetrate you and you will be screaming my name by the end of our session Miss. y/l/n", he said. "Make me", you said with a defiant tone. He pressed you against the desk. You moaned quite loudly. You almost made him cum before you did. "What do I feel there, Severus?", you asked. "It seems like you will be screaming my name before I scream yours", you said. He grinned mischievously.

He knew you were right so he pulled out to prove him right. He was frustrated he had to pull out. You were going to make things square with him. "Now, look what you have done!", he said. He was hungry as hell but he had to satisfy you first, so he could prove you he was able to control himself. "What is wrong... professor?", you asked seductively. He looked at you. He turned you around and finished his work with his fingers. You felt his fingers deep inside you. He hit your G spot and you hit a high note. "That feels good does it not?", he said. He looked at you and played with you just like you played with him a couple of seconds ago. He twisted his fingers. You moaned louder. "How does this feel woman?", he asked. He looked at you while you were giving your answer. "I-I... think that", you began. His patience began to wane. "This feels like torture", you said. You knew you would drive him crazy by saying that.

It was torture for him to hold back his hunger and lust. He pushed his dick back in you and wetted his finger. He then rubbed it against your clitoris. "You like It rough", he said. "But I do too". He began rubbing faster and pushed harder into you. You felt pleasure and you had to tell him he was doing great. "Sev I will cum if you cum first", you said. "How do you do it woman?", he asked. He wondered how you could maintain your patience. "Let it guide you and you will be able to control it", you said. "You should become a teacher", he said with a smirk. He was done playing and grabbed your neck. He almost choked you. This was the end of your reign. You lost it. "Ahhhh!", you screamed. "Sev!", you yelled. He made you cum. "That is it, now it is my turn", he said. He pushed harder and harder. "Oh my lord y/n! You feel so good", he said. You felt his cum filling your body. You relaxed but your legs shook. He pulled out and put a spell over your belly. You could not stand so decided to sit down on the ground. "What is wrong dear?", he asked with a grin. You said nothing.

Severus looked at the time. "Have we been here for so long?!", he asked. You nodded. "Come on, it is almost time to dine", he said. You could not stand. He walked outside but you did not follow. He noticed and came back. "Why are you still on the floor?", he asked. "I-I-I cannot stand Severus", you said. He smiled at you. "I have done a great job, have I not?", he asked. You looked down. "Admit it and I will help you", he said. You looked up. "You can see you did a great job, can you not?", you said with smile. He walked over to you. "That is my girl", he said and picked you up. You put your arm around him. "What have you done to me professor?", you asked him seductively. He smiled and you walked back to the school. "How are we going to cover this up Snape?", you asked. "I do not know, that is your problem", he said with a smirk. "I am still shaking. They would want to know what happened", you said. "Talk yourself out of it y/n. You are clever. you can pull it off", he said.

You walked into the great hall. You were less shaky and you did not hold on to Severus anymore. Sirius and Remus were already sitting at the table. Lucius was nowhere to be seen. You walked towards your seat and they looked at you. "Y/n, what happened?!", they asked. They were worried. 'Shit, I need to come up with an excuse', you thought. You heard Snape chuckling on your right. He was curious what your excuse would be. "I have sprained my ankle while walking towards the astronomy tower", you said. You looked at Severus. You gave him a confident smile. He was surprised you came up with a good excuse. "Are you okay?", Remus asked. "Yes certainly, I have already seen Madame Pomfrey so no worries", you said. He nodded. Dumbledore gave a small speech about the scoring. "Slytherin is on top", Albus said. House Slytherin began to cheer. After the speech, you began to eat. When you were done eating, you walked towards Minerva's classroom. Remus, Sirius and Severus followed you like usual. Sirius gave you an arm because you still had trouble walking. Snape often glanced at you and began to laugh silently. You gave him a look, like you were going to make him pay for not helping you.

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