8- Watch Yourself

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"Mr. James", you heard Lucius say. "No not now Lucius!", Snape whispered. Killian walked back towards the four men. You breathed again. 'Pffff that was close'. 'Wait. Mr. James? Killian?', you thought. "Lucius please do not tell him you know", you mumbled. Remus and Black looked at each other instantly. You put your hand over your mouth. Of course they heard you. 'Shit', you thought. "Lucius I should not...", Sirius said. Remus and Sirius now knew you were there so they tried to stop Lucius. He shook Killian's hand. "I have heard so many things about you. Lucius Malfoy", Lucius said. He introduced himself like they were going to be great friends. Killian looked at Sirius. "And who are you, if I may ask?", he asked Sirius while smiling. "Sirius Black", Sirius said. He shook his hand as well. "Nice to meet you", Killian said. "Likewise", Sirius said in return. Lucius nodded with an arrogant smile. Of course he had to do that. Sirius looked at Remus with concern. Remus smiled at his friend to comfort him. Killian turned around and walked away.

You sighed. "Thank god", you mumbled. Sirius saw you looking at them. You quickly moved your head behind the pillar. 'Please do not see me', you thought. He gave Remus an elbow and nodded his head towards your position. Remus laughed silently. He looked back at Sirius and gave him a wink. "Not so fast", Lucius said. He was talking to Killian. He turned around to face the man. They were about the same height. Remus and Sirius looked up astonished. Your eyes widened. You trusted Lucius and then he called back Killian. "What is it?", Killian asked. Snape put his arm before Lucius to stop him. Lucius did not care. Sirius tried to signal to Lucius that you were standing behind a pillar. He did not look at Sirius so he kept on talking. "Shit", Sirius told Remus. Snape noticed the signal and looked at your position now too. He did not see your body but he saw your jacket sticking out. He looked back at Lucius. "Lucius!", he tried to say. "Silence Severus!", he said. "Fuck", Snape said.

You kept standing there to find out if you could trust Lucius. "Do you know what is bothering me?", Lucius asked Killian. You did not turn around otherwise they would see you. That is what you thought. They had already seen you of course. You were listening to every word Lucius was saying. "What is bothering you Mr. Malfoy?", he asked now without laughing. "I think you are a danger to y/n", he said. "Is that what you think?", he asked. 'At least he is not confronting him about your secret', you thought. "I know you lost control a couple of months ago", he said. A tear fell down your cheek. You gave him a chance to retaliate. "What do you mean?", Killian asked. "I used Legilimens on her and I saw you break her rib", he said. You felt a little sick. This man disgusts you. That is the only thing you could think about right now. Sirius looked at you. He heard your cry. He wanted to come over but then things would start to get really complicated. He decided to stay put.

"Why did you use Legilimens on her in the first place?", he asked. "That is none of your business", Lucius said back. "My relationship with y/n is none of your business either, so back off", he said now angry. Snape tried to calm down Lucius. "Mr. James, we only want what is best for our friend", Lucius said. "I do too, and I think I can decide for her what is best", he said. He sounded like some sort control freak. Remus and Lucius frowned. they needed to remain calm. "I can decide for myself thanks", you mumbled. Remus grinned. You stopped crying. "Actually, I think you all should stop seeing y/n", Killian said like he knew you best. "What?", Snape asked. "You heard me", he said. "Who do you think you are?", Lucius asked. "I am the man who is going to propose to y/n in a few days", he said. You put your hand over your mouth. 'He just said what?!', you thought. The four men seemed flustered.

"Did you really think she could marry a man who is not good enough for her?", Lucius asked him. "She was in love with me once. She will be again soon", he said with confidence. Sirius looked like he could puke because of this man's confidence. "If you ever hurt her again...", Lucius began. "Then... what?!", Killian asked. Snape seemed like he could punch the man. Lucius stepped forward. "She can take care of herself you know", Lucius said. "Well thanks Lucius", you mumbled. Remus laughed a bit. Sirius gave Remus an elbow. "She needs me to protect her from the 'Great' Grindelwald", he said. "You? Protecting her?", Snape said. "Hurting her is what protecting her means, is it not?", Lucius asked with a smirk. "When I am done with her, she will no longer have to be afraid of Grindelwald. When I am done with her, she can fear me", he said. Your eyes widened again. "What?", Remus asked. "You did not just say-", Sirius said. "Lucius, you were right", Snape said. "Of course I am right", Lucius said. You began to loose control again. You felt such anger towards Lucius and Killian. You felt your eyes burn. They were definitely red again. You could even feel them turning red.

Four men, One desire (Lucius, Severus, Sirius & Remus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now