13- The Marauder's Map

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Sirius followed you while searching for Madame Hooch. You first searched at the fields. "Where could she be other then here?", you asked Sirius. You looked around. "I have got an idea!", you said. "You and your ideas, woman", He replied with a smirk. "Accio broom", you said. A broom came flying towards you. It came closer and closer but did not stop flying. "I think you need you jump on it dear", he said. You nodded and began walking towards the broom. "Here we go", you said and jumped on the broom. He saw you fly up to the sky. "Where are you going?", he yelled. "I am going to look for Madame Hooch of course but only in the air", you yelled back. "You are the brightest one I know!", he yelled. You could not hear a word he was saying. "What?!", you asked. "Never mind!", he said.

In the mean time, Lucius, Remus and Snape had noticed Sirius so they walked over. They had not yet seen you. You looked at every corner and every tower on the quidditch field but she was nowhere to be seen. You flew back but noticed more men were standing next to Sirius. You flew closer only to see who they were. They looked at you like they saw a beautiful bird in the sky. You kept on flying above the ground so you could as easily fly away as you started flying. "Is there something you cannot do?", Lucius asked. You gave him a fake smile. "I cannot find Madame Hooch", you replied. He looked down like you finished him. You stepped off your broom. "Why are you looking for Hooch?", Remus asked. While flipping your hair back you looked at Sirius. "Since they are here, we can tell them first", you said. "Tell us what?", Remus asked. You took Sirius' hand. You winked at him to play along. "Sirius and I...", you began. "Yes?", Lucius asked. His eyes grew big like he already expected what you were going to say. "We are getting married", you said and gave Sirius a kiss.

"You are getting what now?", Snape asked. They looked at each other. You and Sirius started to laugh. "What is there to laugh about?", Lucius asked angry. He looked at you. You were trying to hold your laugh. According to Sirius' mind, it would not be such a bad idea to marry you. "What is there to be mad about?", you asked Lucius. Snape raised an eyebrow. "Oh guys, relax", you said. "We were only joking", Sirius said. They sighed out of relief. "haha... you are a funny one", Remus said. Lucius rubbed the back of his head. "She thinks she is funny", Sirius said. You elbowed him. He laughed. "No, I think I am quite funny", you said with confidence. "We came up with a plan", Sirius began. Lucius gave him a questioning look.

"We wanted to play a little quidditch game tomorrow", you explained. Remus smiled. "And you wanted us to join of course", Remus said. You eye rolled. "It was Sirius' idea actually, you should be thanking him", you said. You laughed at Remus. "We will be explaining the whole thing after dinner tonight", Sirius said. "We will be there", Lucius said. He winked at you. "Maybe you can defeat Lucius again like you did at duelling", Snape said. You laughed. "Oh yes, maybe I can Avada Kedavra him this time", you said. The men laughed, except for Lucius. "Scared Malfoy?", you asked. "O-o-of course not", he tried to say.

You let go of the broom and walked back to the entrance. "I will go search for Madame Hooch. Maybe she is inside", you said. Severus nodded. "I will check the great hall. She could be in there right now", he said. "Thanks for helping us!", you yelled. "Wait y/n. Severus. come back!", Remus yelled. You stopped walking and turned around. "What is it?", you asked. "Come here, we have a better plan!", Sirius said. You walked back to the men and they started to explain. "Have you ever heard of the Marauder's map? ", Remus asked. You shook your head.

"Have you never heard of it?!", Sirius asked. Remus punched him. "Not so loud Pad!", he said. "Why are you all acting secret?", you asked. You looked at Lucius. He looked at you with an astonished look. They wondered how you could never have heard of something so special. "The Marauder's map shows us who is where at the very moment", Sirius said. "How useful! I can find Madame Hooch with it". "Yes you can", Remus answered. "Brilliant", you said. "Well thank you", Sirius said. "Thank you?", you asked. "I am from under a rock apparently", you answered. Snape laughed. "The rock has not damaged your face", Lucius said. He could laugh again. "It will damage yours", you said while smiling. Lucius laughed at your joke. "Funny", he answered.

Four men, One desire (Lucius, Severus, Sirius & Remus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now