9- The Muggle World

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The first place you thought of was New York. You met Killian here so this was the most logical place to go to. Lucius, Snape, Sirius and Remus did not know where you lived in New York, so you had some time without them in your life. You needed to catch your breath for a couple of days. "Come on, we will go to my apartment", you said. Killian looked at you. "have you forgiven me then?", he asked. "No, not at all. But we cannot stay on the streets, can we?", you asked. He nodded. "And you owe me an explanation!", you said.

In the mean time, the four men were quarrelling at Hogwarts. "We should have told her from the beginning Remus", Snape said. "I know", he responded. "How could you not tell us Remus?", Sirius asked him. Sirius was pacing around thinking about you. "What do we do now?", Lucius asked. "God knows where she is right now?!". "Killian is still a danger", Lucius said. "Shut up so I can think Lucius!", Snape said. Lucius became silent. Sirius thought of an idea but he was not going to tell these stupid assholes. By the way, he knew how much you hated them right now. He left the room silently without anyone noticing. He went to see Dumbledore. Albus had to talk to Minerva about school property so he left after your conversation.

Sirius found Albus talking to Minerva at the great hall. "Sir, can I speak with you for a second?", he asked. "Sure Black, shoot", he said. "Well, I have an idea but I need your help", Sirius said. "Tell me so I can help you", he said. "You sent an owl to y/n's apartment right?", he asked. "Yes I did, what about it?", he asked. "I think she might have gone there. Can your owl lead me to her apartment?", Sirius asked. "Of course she can, come with me", he said. Albus summoned his owl and told her to lead Sirius to your apartment. Sirius followed the owl. once he got to New York, he was astonished about what he saw. "Bloody hell". "So this is the famous New York?", he asked. Albus' owl whistled in agreement. He stood in front of your apartment, well... that is what he thought. "You can go now, thank you", Sirius said to the owl. She flew away.

*Knock* *knock*. "Who is there?", a woman asked. An elderly woman opened the door. "Can I help you dear?", she asked. "Hello ma'am, I am looking for y/n y/l/n. Is she here?", he asked. "Behind you is her apartment", she said. "Thank y-". The woman closed the door. 'Muggles are nice, I see', he thought. He knocked at your door but you did not open up. "Alohomora", he said. The door opened. "I have always loved that spell", he said with a smile. He walked through the door and inspected your apartment. He loved the kitchen. It is industrial. He then walked over to your bedroom and took a look around. "So this is where all the fun happens?", he asked. He started chuckling. He opened the wardrobe. He saw your blouses, your jeans and some jackets. He opened a different drawer. There were your panties and your bras. 'Imagine what she would look like in them', he thought. Only the thought of you made him happy and blush. He had this little bulge in his pants. 'Seriously Sirius? Behave yourself!', he thought.

He opened another drawer which seemed like a hidden one. It had a lock attached to it. "My beloved spell, if I did not have you, I would be lost", he said. He pointed his wand. "Alohomora", he said. It unlocked. He slowly opened the drawer. "Bloody hell woman, what do you have to do with all these?", he asked. Clearly, he opened a drawer with vibrators and other toys in it. He heard a weird noise coming from the hallway. He quickly closed the drawer and locked it. He stood up and sat on the couch.

You arrived at your apartment. You opened the door and someone was sitting on the couch. "Sirius?", you asked. "What are you doing here?". Killian rolled his eyes but remained silent. He went over to the fridge to see if there was something to drink. Of course you had not gone to the supermarket so there was nothing to eat nor drink. He walked over to you and gave you a tight hug. "Y/n, you are okay!", he said. "How did you find me?", you asked. "Well, you talked about your apartment in New York a few times so I figured you would go back", he said. "Why did you resign y/n?", he asked. "Because I cannot handle it anymore", you said. "All the drama, and for what?", you asked. He took your hand and brought you to the couch. "Come sit with me, please", he said. You nodded and sat down.

Four men, One desire (Lucius, Severus, Sirius & Remus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now