5- Crucio

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A hand was still on your mouth, preventing you from screaming. There was no light, only a shadow in front of you. By the curves surrounding the dark figure, you could tell who it was. "Severus?'' You tried to mumble some words through his big hands. He slowly moved his head a little towards yours, not being impressed by you recognizing him.

His big hand covered your mouth and partly your nose, making it very difficult for you to breathe. The dark hallway became much darker by the second. Finally the figure spoke a few words.

"Tell me what happened last night with Lucius." He moved one of hands on the wall behind you, steadying his posture. You began to panic while everything around you began to blur and fade away. This turned me on at first. The thought of him forcefully pushing you to a wall and being intimidating turned you on at first, but there was nothing funny about the situation anymore. You wanted to speak up, but could not because of his strong grip on your mouth.

"I cannot hear you girl!" You had just enough strength to push him a little back, getting some air back into your lungs at last. His grip loosened a bit, but barely enough for you to not pass out.

"What happened Severus, is none of your business!" You tried fighting back his strong hold. ''I am just making sure it does not happen again." How dare he? He does not own me!

"Nothing happened-" You tried grabbing his wrists, but without any success.

''Let go of me Severus!'' A smirk formed on his face. At least someone was having fun. Rage filled your lungs instead of air.

"Do not lie, to me!" Trying to get rid of him only made him angrier. He was now anxious to know what happened. His hand moved away from your mouth but towards your throat, grabbing it harshly. Snape dragged you to a spot he was sure of you would not be disturbed. Weird how he knew the whole castle from the top of his mind. Even the darkest of places he seemed to know.

"Severus, you are hurting me..." Just in time, Remus crossed the hallway. You waved at him, asking him for help. Lupin walked towards you, not knowing who was standing in the shadows. Although it seemed weird from his perspective, he did not care and walked towards the dark figures. Once he got closer, he noticed who you were struggling with.

"Y/n, are you okay?" He asked kindly, looking between you and Severus. The potions professor did not respond to his surroundings, making him unreliable and scary as hell. Remus met your scared eyes, realizing there was no kink in all of this. "Severus, let go of Miss. y/l/n, you are hurting her." Snape snapped out of some trance he was in. Some weird day it was.

Breathing heavily and reaching for your throat which still hurt, you moved away from Severus and towards Remus. Lupin petted your back. The dark hall did not seem so dark anymore with Lupin next to you. Snape obviously realized what he did, because he was apologizing endlessly for his ruthless behavior.

"Y/n, I am so sorry. I have no idea what just h-" You looked at his eyes and he clearly seemed confused. "It is okay, do not worry about it." I am too good for this world. If even Mr. Malfoy deserves a second chance, why would Severus not deserve one? The kind man grabbed your shoulders and led you away from the confused man.

"Y/n, come with me. I will walk you to your dorm." Remus wanted you to feel safe. At least safer than you felt at that moment. You turned back to face Snape one more time. "Severus, go to sleep. Get some rest." You gave him a sweet smile afterwards and let Lupin walk you away.

After three minutes of debating what to say, Remus turned around and looked straight into your eyes. "Are you okay y/n?" A look of worry and anger possessed his face. With your hand, you caressed his. "Yes, I am fine thanks to you," You explained, truly thankful for Remus' fast approach to the situation. Still feeling a little dizzy after what just happened, you searched the savior's hands for some steadiness. Remus happily accepted your hands and caressed your knuckles, wondering whether you would be alright with him kissing your knuckles instead of petting them.

Four men, One desire (Lucius, Severus, Sirius & Remus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now