1. Eye Contact
2. If he is truly just interested in you!
3. If he is constantly cuddling you
4. If he introduces you to all his friends
5. He wants you to visit or meet his parents
6. Text you first and doesn't take awhile to reply.
7. Loves to make you laugh
8. Gets a little jealous in certain situations
9. Talks about the future and you are included in it
10.He meets you halfway on everything
11. He is protective of you
12. He won't stay mad at you
Hi guys, I know i have made a chapter like this already but I am running out of options. If anyone wants to find out anything or want me to write anything then let me know by pm-ing me or leaving a comment..please. See you next Wednesday guys, HAVE A WHOPPING WEDNESDAY! (Which means have the greatest funnest um coolest day EVER!)
P.s. Add IanKindrik HannaBudder XanderP16 ddmilroy dark_angelzz JohnHoTT KeiraMorretti My3Besties WintersOblivion PastaLover101 and PM them because they are somewhat awesome people...(I mean they need to be awesome for me to talk to them); You don't have to follow dark_angelzz the cause she is not that cool lol, jk:)

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