Broken Up, For Real....

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Thanks, everyone for the support of my relationship with Becca. She was my first 2 year relationship..ever. I kinda knew it would end between us cause we were to perfect and perfect things have flaws i guess. It is official, as of 3 o'clock this morning Becca came over and we talked about what we were going to do and we ended up breaking up. I am not gonna say I am happy about this or anything cause she was my first True Love, ya know....anyway; i feel like i am obligated to tell the people here about this because some of the people on here love this book and actually care about me and I truly can not tell you how much you guys mean to me.

All my followers and Voters are just 150 percent awesome and I wanna thank you for just overall being there for me. I am not trying to make this a big ole sob story but the truth is, I am kinda sad(I rarely ever show emotion but i am deeply hurt by this). Just writing this, to all of you is kinda making a frog fill my throat because i care so much.

I am single now and some girls have asked if I am lookingfor a new girlfriend... i dont want to rush but if there is a girl I like then maybe. I am gonna go slow with girls or anything like that for a while.

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