Alot of people get the nerve to tslk to there crush on a girl they like but end up saying weird stuff or stuff that they think sounds weird which probably doesn't.
1. What's Your Favorite Movie
2. If there was any place in the world you could go where would it be
3. What's your favorite sport to watch or play
4. What makes you happy
5. What's your family like
6. What about yourself do you have pride in
7. Whats your favorite car
8. Whats your favorite movie
9. Have you ever cried at a movie
10. What is your favorite food
11. What is the coolest thing you have ever done
12. What is the craziest or SCARIEST thing you have done.
13. Who was your first crush
14. What are your hobbies.
P.S. please answer at least 3 or all of these so I can get to know you ALL better. Just write the number that you are answering.
#3. Football
#10. Pizza
#4 Girls
I answered number 3,10, and 4...hope you guys answer some and give this a vote!

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