Why am I single!

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Sup everyone, I am going to write down things that I do when I am in a relationship and I want everyone to comment if that is the right thing to do and maybe why!

By the way this is from a few months ago, I am in a relationship with @My3Besties right now an if you still want to comment for when I am single GO AHEAD:)!! This is written by my 15 year old self:)

1. When I meet a girl I want her to feel comfortable.

2. I flirt with her for awhile.

I mostly see girls at school and work.

3. I try to see her more around school.

4. Then I reign in all my confidence and ask her out on a date, of course.

5. I usually take girls to nice places like, Mcdonalds..lol totally kidding people!

6. Girls always kiss me on the first date

7. After we kiss I go home.

8. I wait usually 4 days to text her for another date so i am not a creeper or something.

9. We usually go to an even nicer restaurant like, OLIVE GARDEN,(I freaking love olive garden)

9. Girls usually just order a salad and I get the Alfredo chicken pizza.

10. She usually invites me in on the second date and we..well..you already know.

11. The next day I get up early to make her breakfast and buy her flowers if I like her.

12. After about a month of dating she wants to meet my parents and I meet hers! I hate when this happens!

13. I then start staying out late with my friends and coming to her house drunk. Not a good thing, don't drink kids!

14. She usually breaks up with me 1 week after trying to make it work. Or i just break up with her;)

Now tell me what I am doing wrong..maybe just girls answer this one! BYEEEEEE

no seriously just..bye
        ----------I just read this(in 2015) and I am a total douchebag
This one is updated to 2014 Me..:)

I am going to write down things I do now, when I am 16 years old:)

1. When I see/meet the girl I want to be prepared so I will watch her..like a stalker, and if I look at her and she sees me but turns away then she has a crush on me and I know sooo then we go to step 2.

2. I talk to her about stuff, I start out by telling her my name then; I try my best for small talk then I go in an ask her out for a date.

3. For the date I look up all the nice places to eat at then I choose one, I still love Olive Garden soo yep if she lets ME choose then I will choose Olive Garden.

4. When we are on the date I get a kiss an usually a little more to but yeah.

5. We start dating but I always get bored so I break it off or stay with her but don't text call, or even try to see her.

6. After that she is usually super pissed and I usually try to calm her down but I can't so then I let her go and it usually doesn't phase me and thats why I think something is wrong with me.

IF you guys didn't know, I have this really weird problem that when I get stressed my chest hurts severly. If you guys don't hate on my advice stuff it helps, I am not telling people to not give their opinions, I am just saying it's alot of stress trying to make everything perfect and how people like it:) I hope you all enjoy my stories and stuff, thanks for reading, I really appreciate the nice comments and I am blasted away by all the views..SO THANKS EVERYONE SOOOOOMUCH:):):)


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