Things girls should realize about boys

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           We don't get girls and even when we try to, we end up in humilating defeat. Don't expect us to fully understand you, just accept that its never going to happen. Once you stop over-thinking us boys you will realize we are less complex than you soo yep:)

1. You have to stay away from his internet search or history. Girl's can't handle this, I will say that you can't unsee what you see and don't think he is a perv or anything if you see something.

2. You can't change us. Love him the way he is or not at all.

3. You shouldn't take it personally if he looks at other women. It is a reflex so just let it slide unless he is drooling and stuff lol:)

4. We will choose our friends over you. Bro's before Hoes, It has never been Ho's before Bro's

5. Never criticize his mother. Our mother's are like our um, well i don't know but if you hurt our mom we will so be done.

6. Don't ask questions you don't wanna know the answer too. I think we all know what I am talking about here;)

7. You have to let shit go. If we argue and you throw an old argument at us we will definately revaluate you and most-likely break up cause the past is the past.

8. Not having sex, the consequences will be on you. So yeah, if we are feeling horny and you are not giving us any because of an argument or something stupid we will most likely get someone to take care of us.

9. ULTIMATUMS do Not work. If you force us to do something we will resent you for it.

10. We know when girls are lying. You should just come clean before we start thinking worst-case scenario's


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