I want to get to know my followers and voters and commenters, soooo I want everyone to write 10 facts about themselves and let me see what your all about:).
10 Facts About Me
1. When I was in kindergarten i had my first kiss
2. I like to sleep bare
3. I cried yesterday watching "Bambi" cause I was in a sad mood
4. I have asked almost half of my followers, there point of view on boys and most are quite rude cause girls say boys are bad and upsetting.
5. I have asked over 900 girls asked
6. I have a journal of all the girls i have slept with and dated AND asked out under my bed ( weird I know:| )
7. I tend to be more sexual when I like someone cause I just feel comfortable.
8. I fall asleep to Lana Del Reys, "Ultraviolence" album every night.
9. I never diet cause its against my religion...i stay skinny hy eating tons of pizza and sweets and playing football
10. Once i put a frog down a girl shirt to touch her boobs when I was in the 4th grade;) whoops!

Things Girls Must Know. About us GUYS
CasualeThings girls should know...about dating a guy, being in a relationship with a guy, crushing on a guy...