I once was a 'nice guy' like way back in the 1st grade but I learned that being the nice guy doesn't work out, most of the time.
I never thought about making a decision of being nice, I was just naturally nice because I felt like being nice cause I like(d) being nice.
At first I thought that being nice was what women wanted but of course ai was wrong. There are SOME girls that want a nice guy because they understand that nice is good and not nice is bad. Most girls have those conepts confused.
Some girls might believe they want a nice guy but in reality, nice is boring or weak. She wants excitement,mystery, surprise, drama...she wants a 'bad boy'
The essance of a bad boy is isolation, carelessness, self indulgance, selfishness, and of course an attitude. Girls think that 'bad boys' are more manly, which is bad cause it makes other guys think that if they are bad then it is more rewarding than being nice.
I think every guy who ever started out as a good guy had there ass handed to them. I know I did..Every guy is silly enough to think that being nice to a girl he has feelings for was a good idea.
He would be super nice, hold doors, and smile and be over courteous but then find out the girl had no interest in them.

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