I personally hate the word 'cute'. It feels overused and it is very annoying. I personally like the when a girl calls me
1. Handsome
2. Sweetheart
3. My Love
4. Babe
5. Darling
6. Sweetheart
7. Sexy
8. Precious
Now I will tell you the names that make my skin crawl
1. Nickie -some girls think I like this because it makes them sound cute or something but I hate it
2. Baby - guys don't like being referred to as a child
3. Cutie or Cutie Pie -_-
4. Sweet Cheeks
5. Snookums
6. Baby Doll
7. Ducky
8. Baby Cakes
9. Muffin
10. Pudding
If you want to pick a nickname that a guy won't hate then don't go for a name like babe or something original. Give him a name that means something. My girlfriend calls me Abs because I have a pretty good set of abs. She used to call me cocky because well, i was, but just find something hot in a guy and then thats how you can find his nickname.
This is dedicated to get_over_yourself

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