I have spent 30 minutes on my phone today and as I look on here, I see new people commenting and voting...the thing is, They are-
Nevermind, it doesn't really matter because today I am telling you guys the truth...the whole truth about me which is super scary and I am gonna act like a girl right now.
1. I am currently in NYC(May 26, 2015)
2. When I was 4, I went to kindergarten and a cute little girl in my class asked me to be her boyfriend and of course I am sitting and thinking "What did this bitch just ask me"...so anyway when school was over my grandma would pick me up but before I saw my grandma I kissed the girl on the lips and it was the most slobberest kiss ever! My grandma cameand I told her and she was so surprised.
3. In first grade I had the best 40th kiss ever, Her name was Molly..we don't talk much now but she had confused 80% of the school that she was the best kisser and she was...she would help me with kissing like in the way back of the bus where the bus driver couldn't see very well.
4. 2nd and 3rd grade was a breeze, I had A's for days and football was going good. That was when I started dating tons of girls and became cool and stuff.
5. 4th and 5th grade I was bullied and quite depressed. One time bullies forced my friend John and I into the janitors closet. Beat us a little then made us jack off staring into eachotherz eyes. I didn't know if it was for our torture or the bullies pleasure.
6. In the first grade John and I became friends because my mom kinda nee his mom from certain drug deals and shit. So we hung out alot. We started eating the same working out the same and I guess the jacking off to eachother mad us stronger in a way. 6th grade was the worst cause I made friends with a girl name D and Becca and they were a bit older so they were really into parties. John bevame more into it than me but I came around soon enough.
7. In the 5th grade, that was the day my mom left vodka out and I drank some. Which i thought was horrible but now it isn't so bad. The 7th grade was awesome because I had a full fledged hot body and every girl wanted me. The time I turned 15 and I had puberty girls were all over me. Girls just wanted me so bad.
Well, guys that is the truth about me..maybe ine day I will make another one with the rest of the grades.

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