24.8K reads, 919 Votes, 811 comments, AND 560 Followers!
I am going to tell you guys something and you don't have to feel sorry for me or try to make me feel better, I just think you all should know.
9,000 Haters, 717 Hate Comments in my private messages, and 237 Death threats in my private messages.
Its really hard, to try and act like I don't give 2 shits about people who fucking hate me but the truth is I fucking do care and it hurts. I hate getting all sensitive but I just need to get this off my chest. I block people who are negative but it takes so much time going down blocking everyone so I stopped. I read some comments and this is what one said about 5 minutes ago.
"YOUR BOOK FUCKING SUCKS, I WIDH YOU WOULD DIE!!!! YOUR THE WORST BOK WRITER I HAVE EVER SEEN,,,FACK YOU NICK!!!!" LOL, I kinda laughed at this one cause they were so angry that they couldn't even spell correctly.
Yes, I talked to wattpad about the haters and shit but I jist think people are so focused on hurting others that they don't realize there hurting themselves. I really do wish people would focus on Peace and becoming Happy with themselves and don't feel the need to hurt others.
An for all the people who want to know, I don't have a dad..he died and I don't have a mom cause she is a drug addict and never around. I get money to travel from my grandma's trust fund thingy and she left my half a million, but it doesn't matter.
P.S. in the comments don't tell me how sorry you are. PLEASE.....AND if you guys think I should put this book in the watty awards comment or vote!!!

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