What is it Like being Sex Deprived For 3 weeks

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Week one- I think to myself "everything is gonna be alright then I look down at me buddy and think "no its not"

Week two- I feel weaker every step I take, I could do it with a walking stick right now...actually that might be painful..nevermind on that.

Week two and a halfish- I tried masturdating but it was Sooo painful

Week three- Almost fucking healed! My girlfriend and I are not gonna be outside for weeks.

Week Four- My hamstring is finally healed and I past my horny stage. Me and my girlfriend are sexed out (not a word). For all the people who didn't know....I tore my hamstring, it was severe enough tht I couldn't walk on it or do any sexual activities (I sat in a wheelchair for 3 fucking miserable weeks which sucked)and it made me appreciate my bones. I definately appreciate my girlfriend who puts up with all my stupid crap.

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