1. Inner beauty is the only REAL beauty
2. I have always thought that inner beauty was more important than outer beauty because a girl can be freaking hot on the outside but ugly in the inside and when I say ugly in the inside, I don't mean I look inside them and see it is ugly I mean there personality and how they act.
3. Guys always hate how girls who hate on themselves because that means that there girl doesn't like herself or is insecure about stuff.
4. The whole meaning of this was to tell girls to be themselves and freaking um LOVE themselves and stop saying :I am fat, I hate my hair, Stephanie is disgusting, I dress horrible, Why am I even alive, If my hair isn't gonna be pretty I might as well just die. GIRLS!!! HOLD UP AND THINK!!! Try not to overexxagerate, I know its hard in this generation but if we work together we can fix/help eachother:)

Things Girls Must Know. About us GUYS
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